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''Kliknutím na každú ikonu budete presmerovaní do príslušného článku.''
''Kliknutím na každú ikonu budete presmerovaní do príslušného článku.''
== '''Introduction''' ==
The Interface in Forge of Empires is very intuitive and easy to use. While there are many similarities between the desktop and mobile versions, they differ on several important points
'''Desktop User Interface'''
Image:DesktopUI newx.png|center
rect 96 79 130 154 [[The_Universe#Quest_Givers]]
rect 97 157 131 196 [[Daily Challenges]]
rect 97 120 132 246 [[Events and Questlines]]
rect 97 200 133 296 [[Collect_All]]
rect 95 42 301 65 [[Top_left]]
rect 452 48 594 66 [[Top_right]]
rect 533 63 587 87 [[Messaging_and_Chat#Chat]]
rect 631 125 660 210 [[Status_bar_desktop]]
rect 98 311 207 368 [[Main_toolbar]]
rect 99 369 208 384 [[Settings]]
rect 230 314 505 387 [[Social_Bar]]
rect 595 44 642 65 [[Diamonds]]
rect 629 88 667 125 [[Offer]]
rect 338 39 416 76 [[Forge_Points_Bar]]
'''Mobile User Interface'''
Image:mobileUI_openmenu1.jpg|center|Alt=Modile User Interface|
rect 149 100 300 123 [[Top_left_Mobile]]
rect 157 134 190 231 [[The_Universe#Characters]]
rect 249 303 287 344 [[The_Universe#World_Map]]
rect 166 308 210 355 [[Bottom_left_mobile#Building_menu]]
rect 209 309 245 350 [[Bottom_left_mobile#Research]]
rect 288 303 324 344 [[Bottom_left_mobile#Army_Management]]
rect 325 306 356 342 [[Bottom_left_mobile#Market]]
rect 365 299 396 335 [[Bottom_left_mobile#Inventory]]
rect 403 296 434 332 [[Bottom_left_mobile#Settings]]
rect 310 90 399 115 [[Top_center_mobile]]
rect 410 79 591 110 [[Top_right_mobile]]
rect 546 283 609 330 [[Bottom_right_mobile]]
rect 86 133 146 196 [[Bottom_right_mobile#Messages]]
rect 150 133 210 196 [[Bottom_right_mobile#Expeditions]]
rect 214 133 274 196 [[Bottom_right_mobile#Guild]]
rect 278 133 338 196 [[Bottom_right_mobile#Great_Buldings]]
rect 342 133 410 196 [[Bottom_right_mobile#Social_bar]]
''Clicking on each icon will redirect you to the appropriate article.''

Verzia z 01:33, 20. február 2024


Používateľské rozhranie vo Forge of Empires je veľmi jednoduché a ľahko sa používa. Aj keď je veľa podobností medzi prehliadačovou a mobilnou verziou hry, líšia sa v niektorých dôležitých veciach.

Prehliadačové rozhranie
<imagemap> Image:DesktopUI newx.png|center

rect 97 157 131 196 Denné výzvy rect 97 120 132 246 Udalosti a Série úloh rect 97 200 133 296 Collect_All rect 95 42 301 65 Top_left rect 452 48 594 66 Top_right rect 533 63 587 87 Správy a chat#Chat rect 631 125 660 210 Status_bar_desktop rect 98 311 207 368 Hlavná lišta rect 99 369 208 384 Settings rect 230 314 505 387 Sociálna lišta rect 595 44 642 65 Diamanty rect 629 88 667 125 Offer rect 338 39 416 76 Lišta bodov výskumu </imagemap>

Mobilné rozhranie <imagemap> Image:mobileUI_openmenu1.jpg|center|Alt=Modile User Interface|

rect 149 100 300 123 Aplikácia - vľavo hore rect 157 134 190 231 Univerzum#Postavy rect 249 303 287 344 Univerzum#Mapa svet rect 166 308 210 355 Aplikácia - vľavo dole#Stavba rect 209 309 245 350 Aplikácia - vľavo dole#Výskum rect 288 303 324 344 Aplikácia - vľavo dole#Správa armády rect 325 306 356 342 Aplikácia - vľavo dole#Trhovisko rect 365 299 396 335 Aplikácia - vľavo dole#Inventár rect 403 296 434 332 Aplikácia - vľavo dole#Nastavenia rect 310 90 399 115 Horná stredná strana mobilu rect 410 79 591 110 Aplikácia - vpravo hore rect 546 283 609 330 Aplikácia_-_vpravo_dole </imagemap>
<imagemap> image:mobileUI_menu2.jpg|right rect 86 133 146 196 Aplikácia_-_vpravo_dole#Správy rect 150 133 210 196 Aplikácia_-_vpravo_dole#Expedície rect 214 133 274 196 Aplikácia_-_vpravo_dole#Cech rect 278 133 338 196 Aplikácia_-_vpravo_dole#Veľkolepé budovy rect 342 133 410 196 Aplikácia_-_vpravo_dole#Sociálna lišta </imagemap>

Kliknutím na každú ikonu budete presmerovaní do príslušného článku.


The Interface in Forge of Empires is very intuitive and easy to use. While there are many similarities between the desktop and mobile versions, they differ on several important points

Desktop User Interface
<imagemap> Image:DesktopUI newx.png|center

rect 96 79 130 154 The_Universe#Quest_Givers rect 97 157 131 196 Daily Challenges rect 97 120 132 246 Events and Questlines rect 97 200 133 296 Collect_All rect 95 42 301 65 Top_left rect 452 48 594 66 Top_right rect 533 63 587 87 Messaging_and_Chat#Chat rect 631 125 660 210 Status_bar_desktop rect 98 311 207 368 Main_toolbar rect 99 369 208 384 Settings rect 230 314 505 387 Social_Bar rect 595 44 642 65 Diamonds rect 629 88 667 125 Offer rect 338 39 416 76 Forge_Points_Bar </imagemap>

Mobile User Interface <imagemap> Image:mobileUI_openmenu1.jpg|center|Alt=Modile User Interface|

rect 149 100 300 123 Top_left_Mobile rect 157 134 190 231 The_Universe#Characters rect 249 303 287 344 The_Universe#World_Map rect 166 308 210 355 Bottom_left_mobile#Building_menu rect 209 309 245 350 Bottom_left_mobile#Research rect 288 303 324 344 Bottom_left_mobile#Army_Management rect 325 306 356 342 Bottom_left_mobile#Market rect 365 299 396 335 Bottom_left_mobile#Inventory rect 403 296 434 332 Bottom_left_mobile#Settings rect 310 90 399 115 Top_center_mobile rect 410 79 591 110 Top_right_mobile rect 546 283 609 330 Bottom_right_mobile </imagemap>
<imagemap> image:mobileUI_menu2.jpg|right rect 86 133 146 196 Bottom_right_mobile#Messages rect 150 133 210 196 Bottom_right_mobile#Expeditions rect 214 133 274 196 Bottom_right_mobile#Guild rect 278 133 338 196 Bottom_right_mobile#Great_Buldings rect 342 133 410 196 Bottom_right_mobile#Social_bar </imagemap>

Clicking on each icon will redirect you to the appropriate article.