Výročná udalosť 2024

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ANNIVERSARY A Loading Screen 1.jpg

Všetko najlepšie k narodeninám! Forge of Empires oslavuje neuveriteľných 12 rokov! Pripojte sa k oslavám s našou očakávanou udalosťou k výročiu, ktorá sa na základe veľkého záujmu vracia s ďalším kolom.


Ako sa môžem zúčastniť Výročnej udalosti?

Ak ste sa zúčastnili minuloročnej Výročnej udalosti, už ste začali pomáhať nášmu tímu vedcov pri výskume záhadných drahokamov neznámeho pôvodu. Tento rok pátranie pokračuje!

Výskumníci odvtedy navrhli teóriu, že drahokamy, kľúče a truhlice vytvoril dávny predchodca našej civilizácie. Napriek tomu tejto teórii chýbajú dôkazy, takže je potrebné vykonať ešte veľa výskumov, do ktorých vstupujete vy!


Keď budete pomáhať nášmu vedeckému tímu v jeho úsilí, pravdepodobne objavíte nové nástroje, ktoré vám pomôžu efektívnejšie pracovať s drahokamami, či už ide o ovplyvňovanie ich príbuznosti pomocou novej, najmodernejšej technológie prizmatickej esencie, alebo o ich rozbíjanie na menšie kúsky (samozrejme, na výskum!) pomocou špičkového krompáča na drahokamy (nenechajte sa zmiasť jeho jednoduchým názvom!). Ak chcete poznať skrytú históriu týchto nástrojov, hrajte udalosť ďalej.

Tímová práca, výskum a skvelé objavy vám v udalosti pomôžu uspieť. Ale skôr ako sa do toho pustíte, prečítajte si v tomto článku, čo je nové v tohtoročnej Výročnej udalosti!

Zadávateľka úloh

To aid their and your research, our characters once again, hired Lilith, the Key Master. Overseeing all the operational details, Lilith will give you event quests. Make sure to complete them to gain enough Energy to extract the Пems. Of course the Energy can also be found in incidents, just like in any other event.

Find out more about the mechanics below, or skip straight to the what can I win section to find out all about the new prizes available!

Mechanika udalosti

Vytvárajte a spájajte drahokamy

Po spustení hernej udalosti získate prístup k hracej ploche plnej nádherných drahokamov. Väčšina z nich bude zamknutá za sklom. Na rozbitie skla a odomknutie drahokamu potrebujete voľný drahokam rovnakej farby a úrovne.


To get the free Gem, click on the Spawner Spawner.png button. This button will use Energy to spawn the Gem. You can then use this newly spawned Gem to "break the glass" and unlock a locked Gem of the same size and color. Doing so, you will also level up your Gem and can use it to continue merging. Every new merge with a locked piece will also get you a small reward and Grand Prize progress. The higher the level of the Gem, the bigger the reward! Note: Gems will get you different type rewards depending on their color. Check out the Cheat Sheet under the board to see which rewards you can get!

Premieňajte drahokamy na kľúče​

Each locked Gem will also come with a Key part: either a top part or a bottom part. Pay close attention to these when you are choosing which Gems to merge! If you merge two Gems with Key parts, those parts will be combined into a full Key. But remember — to make a full Key you need to merge a top part and a bottom part, as well as the colors and sizes of the Gems.


Feed the Gems with a full Key into your Converter to remove the piece from the board and free up the Key. Keys can be created on Gems of many sizes, but the bigger the Gem, the more Keys you will get for converting that Gem! You can also receive one per day from Daily Challenges.

Open Chests for rewards​

Keys can be used to unlock Chests to give you a chance to win the Daily Special, among a variety of other useful resources!


Your first Chest of each day will also have a bonus increasing the prizes you gain from that Chest, so pick your first Chest of the day carefully!

Čo je nového?

Použite posilnenia a uľahčite si cestu k úspechu!

Three new boosters are adding to the excitement this year! Here's what to expect:

Gem Mine.png
Posilnenie Drahokamová baňa
Toto posilnenie vytvorí na vašej hracej ploche nové kúsky drahokamov. Ak je na hracej ploche voľné miesto, ako zázrakom sa objaví nový kúsok, spolu s animáciou, ktorá označuje jeho príchod. Taktiež sa v spodnej časti hracej plochy zobrazí aj nápoveda, ktorá signalizuje, že sa objavil nový kúsok. Ak však bude hracia plocha plná, budete upozornení, že na nej nie je miesto pre ďalšie kúsky.

Gem PickAxe.png
Posilnenie Krompáča na drahokamy
Použite toto posilnenie na drahokam, ktorý sa rozpadne na dve časti nižšej úrovne, čím sa zdvojnásobia vaše strategické možnosti. Ak kúsok obsahuje kľúč, dva nové kúsky tento kľúč zdedia, čím sa zabezpečí, že váš ťažko nadobudnutý pokrok sa nikdy nestratí. Poznámka: Toto posilnenie funguje len na voľných kúskoch.

Posilnenie Prizmatická esencia
Toto posilnenie premení všetky kúsky jednej farby na hracej ploche na bezfarebné, čím otvorí nové možnosti kombinácií. Bezfarebné kúsky sa môžu spojiť s ľubovoľnou farbou, prijať túto farbu a zachovať si všetky kľúčové časti. Tieto univerzálne kúsky však nemožno pridať do konvertora a ich špeciálny status je spojený s jedinečnými pravidlami pre spájanie a delenie.

Tipy a triky do Výročnej udalosti 2024

Make use of new Boosters! If you need more matches but lack Energy, spawn more Gems without spending Energy with new Gem Mines Booster. You also have a chance to get a colorless piece!

Gem Mine.png

An abundance of small locked Gem Pieces on the board but nothing to match them with? Use Gem Pickaxe to break down a higher-level piece into two lower-level pieces. Note: any Keys or Key parts on the higher-level piece will be retained on both lower-level pieces.

Gem PickAxe.png

Need more versatility for your matches? Use Prismatic Essence! It converts all pieces of one color on the board to colorless. Colorless pieces can be merged with any color, but while they are colorless their Keys can't be converted, so make sure to match any standalone colorless piece with a colored Gem. Make sure to use it, when you have as many pieces as possible from one color!

Merging is limitless. You can merge 2 pieces as often as you want, however at some point it is not worth it anymore. All piece variants (elements) have 4 levels. You get to a higher level by merging 2 of the same one. However, merging 2 level 4 pieces will result in another level 4 piece. This means, you should only merge level 4 pieces to unlock another level 4 piece, or to combine two Key parts into a full Key.


Merging with locked pieces provide Grand Prize progress and rewards. Whenever you merge one piece with a locked one, you receive a reward. You can already see what you will get by first clicking on the locked piece. It will display the Grand Prize progress and reward you will receive when unlocking it by merging.

Key parts are only on locked pieces. No matter how many pieces you spawn, none will have a Key piece attached to it. Only the locked pieces on the board have a Key part. So don't waste your precious Energy on trying to get more Key parts!

Wind pieces have a higher chance to appear. Did you know, that wind pieces appear more often than other ones? This means you will get more Wind Keys in the end. So choose your Chest on where to spend your Key wisely.

Remember the Daily Challenges. Daily Challenges are a part of this Event as well. Every day you have the option to choose the Event Key Chest, providing 10 of one Key variant or some energy. Completing the challenges might give you just the right Key or remaining energy you needed.

Incidents are important too. Not only Daily Challenges provide a reward for the Event, Incidents in and around your city do the same. They have a chance to provide you with some extra Energy to spawn more pieces!

Anniversary energy24.png

Keys are here to stay. You don't have to worry about Keys being lost when resetting or completing your board. They will stay until the Event is over. Only Key parts left on the board might get lost.

Finishing the board provides extra Keys and a great reward. Whenever you finish a board you get a random reward from the displayed Chest. However, you also receive some Keys, depending on what is left on your board. You get Keys for the following: 1 Key for every 10 pieces of the same element without a Key part. 1 Key for every 4 pieces of the same element with one Key part. 1 Key for every piece of the same element with a full Key. This means you should always check what is left on your board before resetting. Spending a bit of energy can make sure you get a couple extra Keys!

Converting pieces is (almost) always a good idea. You probably already know, that you have to combine 2 different Key parts to get a full Key. What you may not know is, that depending on how big the pieces is, the amount of Keys varies too! Level 3 pieces only provide 1 Key when converted, while level 4 pieces provide 3! So make sure to always get your pieces to level 4.

Choose your Chests carefully. Depending on what your aim for the event is, you should carefully think about what Chest to choose. Bronze Chests are great to spend one Key variant for a great reward, including the most Daily Specials, however they provide less progress towards the Grand Prize. Golden Chests provide less rewards, however they help you progress towards the Grand Prizes way better than smaller Chests. Silver Chests are a balance between both.


Chest rewards are doubled once per day. Every day, the first Chest you open will provide double the rewards, including progress towards the Grand Prize. So make sure to collect at least one per day to get the most out of it. Also, you should open the biggest Chest in these cases. It can also be good to open a couple Chest on the previous day to get a better Chest to double for the next day. Remember: The Chests only change when you open one, they stay the same overnight!

Converting is better than finishing the board. You should always Convert your level 4 pieces with full Keys before finishing your board (resetting it). This is because by finishing it, you only receive 1 Key for every full Key on the board, no matter if they are level 4 pieces or not. So to not lose out on Keys, make sure to convert every one you have before finishing your board.

You don't have to finish a board. Sometimes it can be frustrating to get the last pieces to unlock the last pieces. We understand that and provided an option to reset the board. This will leave you with no extra Keys and completion reward, however it gives you a new board to unlock a lot of pieces again. The first reset every day is free, afterwards it will cost an increasing amount of Energy per reset. The cost will be reset every day as well. If you play your cards right, resetting before completing a board can be beneficial!

Odmeny udalosti

Stanica metra

Every time you merge a previously locked Gem or open a Chest, you gain progress towards the Grand Prize. This year's Prize includes kits for our beautiful new building, the Metro Station! It does not require any road connection! The Metro Station has a silver and golden upgrade to make it even more powerful!

With the help of the Silver Kit, you can convert the Metro Station into the Metro Plaza. Using a Golden Upgrade Kit on the Metro Plaza will turn it into a Urban Metro Plaza

The Metro Station lv. 10 Metro Plaza Urban Metro Plaza
Metro Station - Lv. 10
Metro Plaza
Urban Metro Plaza
Metrostation Plaza.png MetrostationUrbanPlaza.png

The Celestial Golden Orrery

Introducing a new upgrade for an old favorite: amp up the power on your Golden Orrery with the Celestial Golden Orrery!
Where to get it: Grand Prizes, Anniversary (Premium) Prizes, Leagues

Celestial Golden Orrery - 4x5
Celestial Golden Orrery

Celestial Stage of Ages

Your Stage of Ages looking a little lackluster? Spruce it up with this new and improved version!

Celestial Stage of Ages - 4x4
Celestial Stage of Ages

Ďalšie odmeny

Dodajte svojmu mestu šmrnc vďaka našim úplne novým budovám!

Zephyho fúzne nápoje

Zephyho fúzne nápoje môžete získať exkluzívne ako ligovú odmenu.

Zephyho fúzne nápoje - úr. 1- 2x3 Zephyho fúzne nápoje - úr. 2- 2x3 Zephyho fúzne nápoje - úr. 3- 2x3
link=[Zephyho fúzne nápoje - úr. 1
Zephyho fúzne nápoje - úr. 1
link=[Zephyho fúzne nápoje - úr. 2
Zephyho fúzne nápoje - úr. 2
link=[Zephyho fúzne nápoje - úr. 3
Zephyho fúzne nápoje - úr. . 3

Kvetinové arborétum

Kvetinové arborétum je jedna budova s viacerými vzhľadmi. Je možné ho získať z produkcie Stanice metra, za dokončenie hracej plochy (minihry), alebo z Výročných (Prémiových) cien, líg.

Kvetinové arborétum ' '
Abo1.png Abo2.png Abo3.png

Éterická vzducholoď

Éterickú vzducholoď môžete získať z produkcie Stanice metra, za dokončenie hracej plochy (minihry), z Výročných (Prémiových) cien, z líg.

Éterická vzducholoď - 2x2
[[File:Airship.png|200px|link=[Éterická vzducholoď]
Éterická vzducholoď

Výročná liga

For the more competitive players, the Event League is the perfect way to match your progress against the other players on your world. The more you progress through the event, the higher you rank, and the better the bonus prizes you could win at the end of the event.

Anniversary league.png

Portréty udalosti

For this event, our talented artists created 8 new avatars, available from Quests, the League Reward and the Anniversary Prizes.

No Event is complete without some new Avatars for you to enjoy!

(Quest line 1 reward)
(Quest line 2 reward)
(League Rewards)
(Event Pass)
(Silver Pass)
(Silver Pass)
(Gold Pass)
(Gold Pass)