Terasová farma

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Verzia z 21:09, 28. február 2017, ktorú vytvoril Miroslav (diskusia | príspevky) (Vytvorená stránka „{| | style="text-align: center;" colspan="2" |File:Terracefarm.png - '''Can''' be plundered (can not be motivated) <br> - Renovation Kit needed to upgrade building...“)
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- Can be plundered (can not be motivated)
- Renovation Kit needed to upgrade building
- Happiness/Great Building boosts influence only the coin and supply output
(supply-boosting Great Buildings affect possible supply output
while St. Marks affects possible coin output)

Type: Production Building
Size: Icon size.png 5x6
Obtainable From: Guild Expeditions

This building produces different outputs mattering on which production length you set it to:

Age Icon population.png
Icon coins.png
Icon supplies.png
Icon supplies.png
Icon medal.png
Small goods.png
Small fp.png
Bronze Age 140 40 110 260 9 10 5 150
Iron Age 270 100 260 610 11 10 5 240
Early Middle Ages 390 170 430 1,020 13 10 5 600
High Middle Ages 500 240 600 1,430 16 10 5 1,200
Late Middle Ages 620 310 790 1,890 18 10 5 1,800
Colonial Age 730 400 1,200 2,870 22 10 5 3,000
Industrial Age 840 480 1,490 3,850 30 10 5 6,000
Progressive Era 950 570 1,810 4,350 43 10 5 9,000
Modern Era 1,060 660 2,250 5,410 61 10 5 15,000
Postmodern Era 1,160 760 2,830 6,800 85 10 5 24,000
Contemporary Era 1,250 850 3,690 8,850 121 10 5 36,000
Tomorrow 1,350 950 4,270 10,250 164 10 5 60,000
The Future 1,510 1,050 4,900 11,750 200 10 5 96,000
Arctic Future 1,600 1,150 5,560 13,350 243 10 5 144,000

Small goods.png **Produces two of each goods from the building's era (not unrefined and for your own use)