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Zo stránky Forge of Empires - Wiki SK
Verzia z 10:47, 8. február 2017, ktorú vytvoril Miroslav (diskusia | príspevky)
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270px-R SS MultiAge CarnivalBonus17.png

- Coins are doubled when motivated; can be plundered when not motivated
- Renovation Kit needed to upgrade building
- Happiness/Great Building boosts influence coin output

Type: Residential Building
Size: Icon size.png 3x3
Obtainable From: Venice Carnival Event 2017

Age Icon happiness.png Icon population.png Icon coins.png
per 8 hours
Ranking Points.png
Bronze Age 50 50 230 45
Iron Age 104 104 510 72
Early Middle Age 160 160 860 180
High Middle Age 225 225 1,200 360
Late Middle Age 295 295 1,580 540
Colonial Age 373 373 2,410 900
Industrial Age 455 455 3,000 1,800
Progressive Era 544 544 3,640 2,700
Modern Era 637 637 4,530 4,500
Postmodern Era 734 734 5,700 7,200
Contemporary Era 837 837 7,420 10,800
Tomorrow 943 943 8,590 18,000
The Future 1,055 1,055 9,850 28,800
Arctic Future 1,170 1,170 11,190 43,200