Divočina 2022

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Wildlife Loading Screen 2022.png

'Leto je časom dobrodružstiev a čo by mohlo byť lepšie, ako zažiť dobrodružstvo v rezervácii divokých zvierat? Túlajte sa pláňami a lesmi, obdivujte krásu zvierat, žijúcich v ich prirodzenom prostredí. Aj keď bude cesta v mnohých ohľadoch prínosná, pozorní dobrodruhovia môžu objaviť vzorec v odtlačkoch stôp, ktoré tu zanechali zvieratá. Ich sledovanie môže viesť k tajným miestam, kde na vás už čakajú odmeny!'

Wild diane.png

Ako sa môžem zúčastniť udalosti Divočina?

Okno udalosti

Pre začiatok otvorte dialógové okno udalosti a vitajte v Divočine!

Tu začnete svoje dobrodružstvo a použijete tu aj lístky na hranie úrovní. Na obrazovke sa tu zobrazí váš postup smerom k získaniu Veľkej ceny a taktiež je tu zobrazená aj aktuálna Denná cena. Rovnako, ako v prípade Archeologickej udalosti, Dennú cenu si budete môcť vymeniť, čo je možné urobiť v okne udalosti ešte predtým, ako začnete s hraním nejakej úrovne!

Wildlife Event Window 2022.png

Meny v udalosti

V udalosti Divočina existujú dve herné meny: Lístky a Mince.


Wildlife event ticket.png Začínate so 4 lístkami a ďalšie môžete získať dokončením úloh a zbieraním z incidentov v okolí vášho mesta. Lístky sa časom dopĺňajú (tak, ako sa dopĺňali lístky v rámci v udalosti Futbalového pohára).

Ak budete potrebovať viac lístkov, môžete si ich kedykoľvek zakúpiť pomocou tlačidla Plus.


Image2021-5-17 17-50-42.png Na začiatku udalosti dostanete 200 mincí, ďalšie budete môcť získavať za každodenné prihlasovanie sa do hry, plnenie úloh a z incidentov v okolí vášho mesta. 10 ťahov naviac vás bude stáť 65 mincí. Použite ich múdro a získajte všetky tie truhlice a odtlačky!

Ďalšie mince si môžete zakúpiť v obchode kliknutím na tlačidlo Plus.

Mechanika v udalosti

Wildlife Board 2022.png

Udalosť Divočina používa mechaniku typu "praskni 2", čo znamená, že by ste mali dávať pozor na 2 (alebo viac) susedných blokov rovnakej farby a typu. Keď ich nájdete, jednoducho na nich ťuknite (alebo kliknite) a oni prasknú!

Tutourial 1.png

Reward Chest

If you pop 5 or more matched blocks, you can create a Reward Chest, and the bigger the match, the bigger the Reward!

Tutourial 2.png

Once a Reward Chest has been created, you will need to claim it. It is not enough to pop and create a Reward Chest, you will also need to pop and drop it! This also applies to Pawprints,which will spawn on your board, and must be dropped to make progress on the Grand Prize bar!

Tutourial 3.png

You drop a Reward chest by moving it to the bottom of the gamefield by removing the blocks below it, either by popping or by using boosters.

Blocks and Stars

There are five different blocks, and each different color type offers a different Reward!

Blue block.jpg Blue chest.png With five or more matches of the Blue Acorn, you will create a blue Chest Piece which will contain a reward with Forge Points
Green block.jpg Green chest.png With five or more matches of the Green Leaf, you will create a Green Chest Piece which will contain a reward with Coins, Supplies, or Boost & Rush Items.
Yellow block.jpg Yellow chest piece.png With five or more matches of the Yellow Flower, you will create a Yellow Chest Piece which will contain a reward with Goods
Orange block.jpg Orange chest piece.png With five or more matches of the Orange Carrot, you will create an Orange Chest Piece which will contain a reward with Medals or Blueprints.
Red block.jpg Red Chest Piece.png With five or more matches of the Red Apple, you will create a Red Chest Piece which will contain a reward with Army Units

In addition, matching more blocks together will also increase the star rating of the Chest Reward. These are rated from 1 to 5 stars, and shown on blocks and Reward Chests (after they are created). Therefore, the bigger the pop, the bigger the Reward!

Chests and stars.png


Pawprints are the currency use to progress on the Grand Prize bar. They are a special block which automatically spawn on the board as you continue to pop up and free up space. In order to collect the pawprints they need to be dropped like the reward chests.

A Grand Prize can be obtained upon collection of 20 Paws.


The number of moves you have per level is finite. Therefore, some strategy is required in terms of when you decide to pop. Do you wait for the biggest possible match before popping a group of blocks (thereby creating a higher quality Reward Chest), or will you go all out in trying to get Pawprints? That is very much up to you!

Wildlife out of moves new.png

However, if you do run out of moves, there are still possibilities. When you are completely out of moves, you will be prompted with a dialogue which will allow you to purchase more moves with the second event currency Coins.


Mince môžete taktiež použiť na posilnenia, ktoré majú špeciálne schopnosti a pomôžu vám pri hraní úrovní. Dostanete ich niekoľko pri začiatku každej hry.

Hammer booster.png Kladivo odstráni 1 farebný blok z hernej plochy.
Windmill Booster.png Veterný mlyn zmení 4 susedné bloky na vybranú farbu.
Lightning Booster.png Blesk odstráni všetky bloky vybranej farby z hernej plochy.

Zablokovanie plochy

Ak sa dostanete do situácie, že na hernej ploche už nie je možné spraviť žiaden ťah, príde k automatickému zamiešaniu blokov tak, aby ste opäť mali možnosť odstraňovania. Ak vám teda ostávajú nejaké ťahy, nemusíte sa báť, že by ste sa zasekli a nemohli hrať ďalej! Zamiešanie hernej plochy vás nebude stáť nový lístok.

Séria úloh udalosti Divočina

Start Your Adventure! At the beginning of the Event you meet Diane, who is a biologist at the Wildlife Park, and responsible for groundbreaking research within her field. As a unique opportunity, she has contracted you in as her assistant and will introduce you to the park workers, animals, and habitats!

As the Main Guest Giver, she will give you 30 rush quests and 14 daily quests.

Wildlife Quesline 2022.png

Each completed quest contributes to the counter at the bottom of the quest window,
and you will unlock new prizes at 5, 15, 25, 34 & 44 quests!

The new elements

This year we have added new elements to the Wildlife event!

Image2022-5-4 10-14-52.png You will now be able to unlock the second lane of rewards - Wildlife Prizes - alongside the Grand Prizes, for a single premium cost.

Once purchased, you will still need to play the event to unlock the rewards, as per usual with the Grand Prize, but rather than one prize (Grand Prize) you will get two!
However, the very first Wildlife Prize you can collect right away to get you started.

A SS MultiAge WildBonus22.png Get the special Insect Hotel building by unlocking the Wildlife Prizes!​.
Image2022-4-26 9-48-17.png Leagues!

Collect points by making pops and destroying pieces with boosters. The bigger the pops or the more pieces you destroy the bigger the score! Additionally, huge scores are given for collecting Paws and reward chests!


Screen Shot 2022-05-16 at 12.17.03 PM.png

Brand new to this event this year, we have added leagues to the Wildlife event! Similar to other events like the Forge Bowl Event, you will collect points from popping tiles and move up to higher leagues.

League requirements are based on the scoring of all players in your world. Rewards will be granted at the end of the event.

Odmeny v udalosti Divočina

Udalosť Divočina ponúka nové aj existujúce budovy, ako aj staršie obľúbené položky, ktoré boli inovované a teraz poskytujú ešte lepšie odmeny! A ako vždy je možné získať aj niekoľko veľmi pekných nových portrétov, s ktorými sa môžete pochváliť vašim priateľom a susedom!

Križovanie zvierat

It is a 6x3 Building with 9 levels. From level 1, it will provide Coins, Happiness, and Population boosts. These boosts will improve each time you level up, and also add Medals, Forge Points and attack boosts until level 9 where you will receive Coins, Happiness, Population, Medals, Forge Points and Attack Boosts.

To upgrade the Animal Crossing, you have to use the Animal Crossing Upgrade Kit. These Kits can be obtained in the Wildlife event quest line and as part of the Grand Prize.

Animal Crossing - Lv. 1

Animal Crossing - Lv. 2

Animal Crossing - Lv. 3

Animal Crossing - Lv. 4

Animal Crossing - Lv. 5

Animal Crossing - Lv. 6

Animal Crossing - Lv. 7

Animal Crossing - Lv. 8

Križovanie zvierat - úr. 9


Last but not least, you will be able to get the following avatars within the event!

Charles (Questline Reward)
Anilde (Questline Reward)
Irene (Leagues Reward)