Deň svätého Patrika 2024: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

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Rýchly spôsob, ako získať ďalšie trojlístky, je možnosť použiť vaše hrnce zlata [[File:Stpatrick image currency event.png|link=|25px]] na posunutie času o 2, 4 alebo 8 hodín a získať tak nejaké okamžite!
Rýchly spôsob, ako získať ďalšie trojlístky, je možnosť použiť vaše hrnce zlata [[File:Stpatrick image currency event.png|link=|25px]] na posunutie času o 2, 4 alebo 8 hodín a získať tak nejaké okamžite!

=== The Shipyard ===
=== Lodenica ===
Be vigilant, however, as you will need to transport these Shamrocks to your festival using the ship.  
Trojlístky môžete prepravovať na festival pomocou lode.
{| style="width: 100%;
{| style="width: 100%;
!style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color:#145E3D;" |[[File:stpatrick_image_building_ship.png|link=|100px]]
!style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color:#145E3D;" |[[File:stpatrick_image_building_ship.png|link=|100px]]
|style="text-align:center;"|The Shipyard is where you maintain and expand your Ferry. This costs shamrocks  [[File:Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png|link=|25px]]. The more you upgrade your ferry, the more goods it can transport across the river and the faster it sails. <br>
|style="text-align:center;"|Lodenica je miestom pre vašu loď. Rýchlosť lode a prepravené množstvo tovaru si môžete vylepšiť pomocou trojlístkov. [[File:Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png|link=|25px]] Čím viac vašu loď vylepšíte, tým viac tovarov prepraví cez rieku alebo sa bude rýchlejšie plaviť. <br>
Selecting the ship will initiate a voyage to collect and transport the Shamrocks from your factories to your festival.
Vybratie lode spustí plavbu s cieľom zozbierať a prepraviť trojlístky z vašich tovární na festival.

=== The Festival ===
=== The Festival ===

Verzia z 16:51, 22. február 2024

STPATRICK A Loading Screen 2024.png

"Krásny deň, fanúšikovia Forge! Paddy McCharms je späť v meste a je pripravený vám pomôcť s prípravami na tohtoročnú udalosť Deň svätého Patrika!"


Deň svätého Patrika je opäť tu a aj tento rok vás susedné mesto žiada o pomoc! Hľadajú niekoho, kto im pomôže usporiadať veľký festival. Pomôžte im pripraviť sa na túto mimoriadnu udalosť a nezabudnite pritom počúvať vášho sprievodcu Paddyho McCharmsa, keď vám bude predstavovať mesto a jeho obyvateľov, ktorí vám pomôžu vo vašej snahe usporiadať ten najlepší festival sv. Patrika v histórii!

Ako sa môžem zúčastniť udalosti Deň svätého Patrika?

Dokončite Paddyho úlohy, aby ste získali hrnce zlata Stpatrick image currency event.png. K dispozícii vám bude 35 rýchlych úloh, ktoré sa dajú dokončiť okamžite a 22 úloh, ktoré budete dostávať na dennej báze. Ďalšie Stpatrick image currency event.png môžete získať z incidentov, ktoré sa môžu objaviť v okolí vášho mesta, za každodenné prihlásenie do hry (100 Stpatrick image currency event.png zdarma denne) alebo si ich môžete pohodlne zakúpiť za diamanty. Stpatrick image currency event.png budete používať v udalosti na prípravu festivalu.


Po otvorení okna udalosti sa zobrazí prehľadná mapa mesta, v ktorom sa koná udalosť. Naľavo od rieky je označený festival a lodenica a napravo sa nachádza niekoľko tovární, ktoré vyrábajú predmety potrebné pre festival. Výberom ktorejkoľvek z týchto tovární spustíte výrobu

Po dokončení produkcie bude tovar automaticky umiestnený do debien, ktoré sú pripravené na doručenie. Kliknite na loď v ľavom spodnom rohu, aby ste nazbierané tovary doručili z mesta na festival. Po príchode lode a doručení tovarov, kliknite na tovary, aby ste ich predali na festivale a získajte tak Trojlístky!


Továrne v meste

Celkovo je v meste dostupných päť rozdielnych tovární. Každá z nich produkuje rozdielne množstvo tovaru. Továreň na klobúky je dostupná okamžite po začatí udalosti a ostatné štyri sa dajú odomknúť za trojlístky. Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png.

Keď je továreň dostupná, bude na úrovni 1. Na zlepšenie produkcie vašej továrne môžete použiť trojlístky. Každá dosiahnutá úroveň zvýši jej produkciu a dosiahnutie určitých úrovní znásobí jej celkovú produkciu.

Úrovne Násobenie produkcie
1-10 1
11-25 2
26-50 4
51-100 8
101-200 16
201-300 32

Budova Popis Náklady na odomknutie
Stpatrick image building hatfactory.png Továreň na klobúky Zdarma
Stpatrick image building flowersfactory.png Továreň na kvety 1.1K Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png
Stpatrick image building cakefactory.png Továreň na koláče 1.2M Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png
Stpatrick image building factory.png Továreň na nápoje 1.5B Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png
Stpatrick image building firefactory.png Továreň na ohňostroje 111B Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png

Ak ste nazbierali veľa trojlístkov Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png a nechcete vylepšovať produkciu po jednom, zaškrtnite tlačidlo "max" v ľavom hornom rohu, aby ste všetko vylepšili oveľa rýchlejšie!


Rýchly spôsob, ako získať ďalšie trojlístky, je možnosť použiť vaše hrnce zlata Stpatrick image currency event.png na posunutie času o 2, 4 alebo 8 hodín a získať tak nejaké okamžite!


Trojlístky môžete prepravovať na festival pomocou lode.

Stpatrick image building ship.png Lodenica je miestom pre vašu loď. Rýchlosť lode a prepravené množstvo tovaru si môžete vylepšiť pomocou trojlístkov. Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png Čím viac vašu loď vylepšíte, tým viac tovarov prepraví cez rieku alebo sa bude rýchlejšie plaviť.

Vybratie lode spustí plavbu s cieľom zozbierať a prepraviť trojlístky z vašich tovární na festival.

The Festival

Stpatrick image building parades.png The festival is where you sell all your goods and gets shamrocks Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.pngin return. The festival is across the river from the factories, so it is necessary to transport the goods across the river by boat. Once across the goods will be stored until you or your manager can sell them.

Only when fully collected is the cycle complete!


Now that you have all of your factories working, it is time to hire managers for each of them. Select the top hat to hire a manager; this will automate the production of Shamrocks, and also improve the output of the factories.


The festival and shipyard can also each have a manager so you can automate the entire process. Level up the managers for even better efficiency!

Levels Stpatrick image manager market.pngFestival Manager Stpatrick image manager transport.png Shipyard Manager Stpatrick image manager hats.png Hat factory Manager Stpatrick image manager flowers.pngFlower factory Manager Stpatrick image manager cakes.pngCake factory Manager Stpatrick image manager factory.pngDrink factory Manager Stpatrick image manager fireworks.pngFireworks factory Manager
Level 1 20Stpatrick image currency event.png 20Stpatrick image currency event.png 10Stpatrick image currency event.png 20Stpatrick image currency event.png 30Stpatrick image currency event.png 40Stpatrick image currency event.png 50Stpatrick image currency event.png
Level 2 40Stpatrick image currency event.png 40Stpatrick image currency event.png 20Stpatrick image currency event.png 40Stpatrick image currency event.png 60Stpatrick image currency event.png 80Stpatrick image currency event.png 100Stpatrick image currency event.png
Level 3 80Stpatrick image currency event.png 80Stpatrick image currency event.png 30Stpatrick image currency event.png 60Stpatrick image currency event.png 90Stpatrick image currency event.png 120Stpatrick image currency event.png 150Stpatrick image currency event.png
Level 4 150Stpatrick image currency event.png 150Stpatrick image currency event.png 50Stpatrick image currency event.png 100Stpatrick image currency event.png 150Stpatrick image currency event.png 200Stpatrick image currency event.png 250Stpatrick image currency event.png
Level 5 300Stpatrick image currency event.png 300Stpatrick image currency event.png 100Stpatrick image currency event.png 200Stpatrick image currency event.png 300Stpatrick image currency event.png 400Stpatrick image currency event.png 500Stpatrick image currency event.png

The Tasks

You now have all the resources you need to start completing some tasks! You can find three tasks at a time at the top of the event window. Once a task is complete, you will be prompted to collect it. Completing and collecting tasks will increase your progress toward the Grand and St. Patrick's Prize. For more information on your tasks, click on the blue arrow to the right of the tasks bar.


Please note that you don't necessarily need to collect all tasks in order to proceed and unlock a new town. As soon as you gather 8.4 quadrillions of Shamrock, you can click in "continue" to advance and still keep your grand prize progress (in other words, the task progress). Once you've selected your stage prizes, the town progress will be reset and this gives you the chance to start the production over, and earn yourself even more Grand Prizes.


This button will light up as soon as you have 8.4Q Shamrocks

Note: In the St. Patrick's Event 2024 you will only need 1 million Shamrocks to proceed to the next town after you finish the first one.

The Boosters

New in this year's St. Patrick's Day event are boosters that help you reach your goals faster. These boosters can only be earned by completing tasks in the Rival Challenges, that happen during the event. However, you will start with one of each, to test them out.

Festive Shamrock boosters1.png

You will encounter the following boosters in the Rival Challenges, which can be subsequently used in the St. Patrick's Day Event 2024:

Quick Promotion
Quick Promotion
Hire your upgraded managers without spending Pots of Gold Stpatrick image currency event.png
Time Warp
Time Warp
Fast forward all your productions by 2 hours without spending Pots of Gold Stpatrick image currency event.png
SwiftSham savings
SwiftSham savings
Get an instant discount on Shamrocks needed to proceed to the next town. Usable once per town.


Eventually, however, Paddy won't have any more tasks for you to complete. Once you reach this point, click on the 'Next Stage' button in the bottom right to be presented with some end of stage reward boxes. With the Luck of the Irish, snag yourself some fantastic prizes from each box. You can open one container for free, and more containers for Pots of Gold. These costs will increase gradually the more boxes you open using Pots of Gold. Once you've collected all 6, you'll earn the collection reward at the top bar, and if you want, you can open a new set of 6 reward boxes before advancing to the next town.

Celtic chest2024.png

The table below details the cost of opening reward boxes from the end of stage collection screen. The costs continue to scale with each new set of 6 reward boxes.

Reward Box First Second Third
Reward Box 1 Free 50Stpatrick image currency event.png 100Stpatrick image currency event.png
Reward Box 2 50Stpatrick image currency event.png 100Stpatrick image currency event.png 250Stpatrick image currency event.png
Reward Box 3 100Stpatrick image currency event.png 250Stpatrick image currency event.png 500Stpatrick image currency event.png
Reward Box 4 250Stpatrick image currency event.png 500Stpatrick image currency event.png 1000Stpatrick image currency event.png
Reward Box 5 500Stpatrick image currency event.png 1000Stpatrick image currency event.png 2000Stpatrick image currency event.png
Reward Box 6 1000Stpatrick image currency event.png 2000Stpatrick image currency event.png 4000Stpatrick image currency event.png

Note: In addition, new this year is a discount for opening all chests at once! The discounted amount will always stay the same, so the more chests you open with this new button, the better the discount!


Keltská krčma

No St. Patrick's Day celebration is complete without a shiny new building to add to your city! This year we have a number of new buildings for you to enjoy. The Grand Prize is the brand-new Keltská krčma!

Link= A Level 1 Celtic Tavern can be found as one of the first rewards of the questline and can then be upgraded using Celtic Tavern Upgrade Kit, which can be obtained in the St. Patrick Day Event 2024 quest line and as part of the Grand Prizes.
W SS MultiAge PAT24A1-d2b367f35.png
Keltská krčma - úr. 1
W SS MultiAge PAT24A2-32266616f.png
Keltská krčma - úr. 2
W SS MultiAge PAT24A3-fbf1c7c41.png
Keltská krčma - úr. 3
W SS MultiAge PAT24A4-c7891c089.png
Keltská krčma - úr. 4
W SS MultiAge PAT24A5-73ef17a8d.png
Keltská krčma - úr. 5
W SS MultiAge PAT24A6-92b721182.png
Keltská krčma - úr. 6
W SS MultiAge PAT24A7-71f18b66c.png
Keltská krčma - úr. 7

Enchanted Celtic Tavern and Mystic Celtic Tavern

Upgrade your Celtic Tavern - Lv. 7 with the Enchanted Celtic Tavern Silver Upgrade Kit Reward icon silver upgrade kit PAT24A-5fd6f7ab4.png to receive the Enchanted Celtic Tavern.

W SS MultiAge PAT24A8-445596eb8.png
Enchanted Celtic Tavern

Upgrade your Enchanted Celtic Tavern with the Mystic Celtic Tavern Golden Upgrade Kit Reward icon golden upgrade kit PAT24A-379b8cd40.png to receive the Mystic Celtic Tavern.

W SS MultiAge PAT24A9-11ec74a57.png
Mystic Celtic Tavern

Note: You can only upgrade your Celtic Tavern - Lv. 7 with the Enchanted Celtic Tavern Silver Upgrade Kit Reward icon silver upgrade kit PAT24A-5fd6f7ab4.png to transform the Celtic Tavern into the Enchanted Celtic Tavern.
Afterwards you need a different Upgrade Kit, the Mystic Celtic Tavern Golden Upgrade Kit Reward icon golden upgrade kit PAT24A-379b8cd40.png to transform your Enchanted Celtic Tavern into the Mystic Celtic Tavern.

Ďalšie odmeny ku Dňu sv. Patrika 2024

Posvätná arcidruidská chatrč

For an extra boost, you can use the Sacred Archdruid Hut Platinum Upgrade Kit Reward icon platinum upgrade kit PAT23A-40a3ee8d8.png that will transform the Archdruid Hut into the Sacred Archdruid Hut.

Reward icon platinum upgrade kit PAT23A-40a3ee8d8.png You can get this Kit from the St. Patrick's Grand Prizes and in the Golden Event Pass Exclusives​ which is an extra lane of rewards, available for a one-time investment in the game.

The Fragments of the Kit are also available as one of the Grand Prizes of the Event.

W SS MultiAge PAT23A11-c6db839d8.png
Posvätná arcidruidská chatrč

Sacred Tree of Silence, Sacred Tree of Vitality and Sacred Tree of Patience

The small small evergreen trees get a noteworthy upgrade. They not only change colour, but also get a noticeable boost. You will encounter the following upgrades in the Rival Challenges:

W SS MultiAge PAT23B2-8320d5fbf.png
Sacred Tree of Silence
W SS MultiAge PAT23D2-9311223fe.png
Sacred Tree of Vitality
W SS MultiAge PAT23C2-c68bb6011.png
Sacred Tree of Patience
You need the Reward icon upgrade kit PAT23B-6ed1bb497.png to transform your Tree of Silence into the Sacred Tree of Silence
You need the Reward icon upgrade kit PAT23D-b3ebe5c4e.png to transform your Tree of Vitality into the Sacred Tree of Vitality
You need the Reward icon upgrade kit PAT23C-1761ded28.png to transform your Tree of Patience into the Sacred Tree of Patience

Ovčia lúka

Jedinečná nová budova, ktorú možno v udalosti získať len v rámci Zlatého Event Passu alebo zo Súpravy výberu Pohanskej úrody!

W SS MultiAge PAT24E1-d8e38c6ca.png
Ovčia lúka

Runová záhrada

Exkluzívne pre Strieborný Event Pass a Súpravu výberu Pohanskej úrody prinášame tento excelentný nový doplnok pre vaše mesto: Runová záhrada!

W SS MultiAge PAT24D1c-5169f52a6.png
Runová záhrada

Odmena za dokončenie mesta

Túto exkluzívnu budovu môžete získať dokončovaním miest v rámci hernej udalosti!

Keltské sklárne - úr. 1 Keltské sklárne - úr. 2
W SS MultiAge PAT24C1-9fcd031ce.png
W SS MultiAge PAT24C2-589028ae0.png

Exkluzívna ligová odmena

Doktor z hôr

W SS MultiAge PAT24B1-a631c7b32.png
Doktor z hôr - úr. 1
W SS MultiAge PAT24B2-f9340e2a9.png
Doktor z hôr - úr. 2
W SS MultiAge PAT24B3-d8d70812e.png
Doktor z hôr - úr. 3
Odmena v Bronzovej lige
Odmena v Striebornej lige
Odmena v Zlatej lige

Špeciálne súpravy výberu

Epická súprava výberu sv. Patrika 2024

Looking to upgrade that good ol' building of yours? We've got you covered! In the in the Silver and Golden Event Pass Exclusives is a very special Epic St. Patrick's 2024 Selection Kit.

Reward icon selection kit epic PAT24-e7377eead.png

It will allow you to choose a base or upgrade for any of the previous years' Grand Prizes, including the Druid Hut, the Druid Temple and more!

Súprava výberu Pohanskej úrody

The second selection kit you can obtain this event is the Pagan Harvest Selection Kit.

Reward icon selection kit PAT24DE-f8ece7a60.png

It will allow you to choose the Rune garden or the Sheep Shire.
Note: The Pagan Harvest Selection kit is only available in the Golden Event Pass Exclusives.

Súprava výberu Keltských sklární

Last but not least there is the Celtic Glasswork Selection Kit, which only can be received as an League Reward Exclusive.

Reward icon selection kit PAT24C-ef116d46f.png

It will allow you to choose between a Celtic Glasswork Lv 1. or a Celtic Glasswork Upgrade Kit.

Portréty z udalosti Deň sv. Patrika

Počas trvania udalosti môžete zo série úloh udalosti získať niekoľko nových portrétov:

Portrait 641-3ce591e3e.png
Trojlístkový mudrc
(Odmena z úlohy)
Portrait 639-6a06c27fb.png
Gaelský pôvab
(Séria úloh)
Portrait 638-3391011b7.png
Popolavá Aisling
(Veľká cena)
Portrait 642-fbfc6c83d.png
Pastier ovečiek
(Strieborný Event Pass)
Portrait 637-ac5800b51.png
Karmínová kráska
(Strieborný Event Pass)
Portrait 643-46283576e.png
Smaragdový sonet
(Zlatý Event Pass)
Portrait 636-0fe6e0c9a.png
Piktský pútnik
(Zlatý Event Pass)
Portrait 640-5d8a58224.png
(Ligová odmena)