Archeologická udalosť 2020

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ARCHEOLOGY A Loading Screen 2020.jpg

Starobylá jaskyňa očakáva odvážnych prieskumníkov! Oprášte svoju výstroj, pripravte si lopaty, kefky a dynamit a vydajte sa do hĺbok jaskyne plnej bohatstva

Allage archeology edward.png

Ako sa môžem zúčastniť Archeologickej udalosti?

Po začatí Archeologickej udalosti do nej môžete vstúpiť cez okno hernej udalosti. Vezmite svoju lopatu a ideme na to!


Okno udalosti

Upon opening the event window, you will see the cave's layout ready for you to explore. As you can see, the event window contains 6 main elements. They are:

  1. At the top left corner you will find the Archeology scroll.pngScroll Counter. Here you can see the number of Scrolls you currently have. You can also purchase additional scrolls for Diamonds by clicking on Plusbutton.png.
  2. To the right of your Scrolls you see the Grand Prize indicator which shows the current Grand Prize as well as the two following ones, as well as the progress you’ve made towards it current prize. This is obtained after collecting 20 Golden Idols from the tomb.
  3. The Daily Special can be found right next to the Grand Prize. At any given day, it has a chance to be obtainable from all vases and urns. It changes every day.
  4. In the top right corner is the entrance to Your Museum in which the tablets found in the cave are collected.
  5. On the left side of the event window is the Tool Counter. Here you can see how many of each kind Archeology tool brush.pngBrush, Archeology tool shovel.pngShovel and Archeology tool dynamite.pngDynamite you currently have).
  6. Finally, on the right side is the main area of the event, where all the fun takes place. Use your tools to dust the tiles off, advance in the cave, unveil golden statues and vases.

ToolsArchInstructions3.png EventWindowHoverVase.jpg

As you can't clear stone tiles, make sure you plan ahead to use your tools effectively. You will be in with a chance to unveil a vase, more tools (Brushes, Shovels and Dynamite) to aid your progress, or coveted Golden Idols. Hover your mouse over vases to find out what is on offer in each one. Once you've uncovered a reward fully, click on it to claim your prize. Be careful! Once you go too far, there is no going back, and you'll lose sight of the reward.

Once you reach 20 Gold Idols, you will receive the Grand Prize which is displayed at the top of the event window.

To collect an uncovered prize, click on it with no tool selected. Alternatively, uncovered prizes will automatically be collected when they get pushed out of the event window. Keep in mind however that still covered prizes will not be collected this way!


As you dig your way through the depths, you'll notice something is different about this cave. While advancing through the ancient ruin you may find rare clay tablets. With each you can start an optional questline with a special reward at the end. These quests are not added towards the Archaeology Event counter. Finishing each clay tablet grants you the Historian Reward. This also means that you'll be able to potentially work on multiple quests simultaneously.


There are four "Common Tablets", three "Silver Tablets" and one "Golden Tablet" to be found. The Silver Tablets hereby are rarer than the Common Tablets and the Golden Tablet is rarer than the Silver Tablet. The questlines of different tablets may be activated at the same time. The quest line of the same tablet may be repeated as many times as the tablet was found.

Obyčajné hlinené tabuľky Reward icon archeology clay tablet normal 1.png Reward icon archeology clay tablet normal 2.png Reward icon archeology clay tablet normal 3.png Reward icon archeology clay tablet normal 4.png
Strieborné hlinené tabuľky Reward icon archeology clay tablet silver 1.png Reward icon archeology clay tablet silver 2.png Reward icon archeology clay tablet silver 3.png
Zlatá hlinená tabuľka Reward icon archeology clay tablet gold 1.png


Archeologická udalosť vám ponúka možnosť vyhrať množstvo cien, medzi ktorými sú aj úplne nové odmeny.


Počas vášho postupu jaskyňou na vás čaká veľa rozličných pokladov, avšak sú zakopané v piesku. Aby ste ich mohli vidieť, musí na políčka s pieskom dosiahnuť svetlo vášho objavovania. Ak sú stále v temnote, nemôžete vidieť, či políčko s pieskom obsahuje poklad.

Predtým Potom

Po odokrytí políčok máte šancu na získanie váz, nástrojov (kefky, lopaty a dynamit), ktoré vám pomôžu v ďalšom postupe, alebo môžete získať aj hlinené tabuľky, či zlaté sošky. Prejdite myšou na vázu, aby ste zistili, aké sú v nej možné odmeny. Keď úplne odkryjete vašu odmenu, kliknite na ňu, aby ste ju získali. Buďte opatrní! Uistite sa, že nepostúpite ďalej do jaskyňe pred odkrytím odmien, ktoré chcete získať. Keď postúpite príliš ďaleko, nemôžete sa už vrátiť naspäť a odmena vám zmizne z dohľadu.

Reward icon grand prize archeology event.png Zlaté sošky sú špeciálna cena, ktorých zozbieranie vás posunie bližšie k získaniu Veľkej ceny. Keď nazbierate 20 zlatých sošiel, získate Veľkú cenu, ktorá je zobrazená vo vrchnej časti obrazovky udalosti.
ToolCollection.png Nástroje sa dajú nájsť medzi zakopanými pokladmi. V udalosti môžete nájsť všetky nástroje!
Archeology chest 12.png Vázy môžu mať rozličné štýly. Po ich odkrytí z piesku, majú pre vás náhodnú odmenu so šancou na výhru Dennej ceny. Klepnutím na vázu alebo po prejdení myšou, odhalíte, čo v sebe môže ukrývať.
Archeology event info 3.png Hlinené tabuľky While advancing through the ancient ruin you may find rare clay tablets. With each you can start an optional questline with a special reward at the end. These quests are not added towards the Archaeology Event counter. Finishing each clay tablet grants you the Historian Reward.

Ako môžem získať viac nástrojov?

Ďalšie nástroje môžete nájsť priamo v jaskyni alebo môžete použiť zvitky z hernej udalosti a vymeniť ich za nástroje. Stlačte tlačidlo Link= pre otvorenie obchodu s nástrojmi. Tu si môžete zakúpiť za svoje zvitky jednotlivé nástroje alebo si kúpiť výhodné multibalenia!

Tool Shop.png

Samotné zvitky sa dajú získať za denné prihlásenie do hry a z úloh z archeologickej udalosti.

Archeologická séria úloh

There are 60 quests in total to aid your progress which come in two questlines. The Main Questline with 39 rush quest and the Daily Questline, which will give you 1 quest for the remaining days of the event. These Quests will stack until you have completed the Main Questlines. So you will not miss any if you do not complete the Main Questlines on the first day.
Every solved quest grants you some Scrolls. The quests have to be solved in the order they are presented, and no quests are abortable. Additionally, for this Event extra Quests can be found in every tablet that you collect, once a tablet is opened the Quest inside cannot be aborted.


Each completed quest contributes to the counter at the bottom of the quest window,
and you will unlock new prizes at 5, 15, 30, 45 & 60 quests!


Odmeny v Archeologickej udalosti


Now that you've established your place in the history books of Archaeological fame, what better way than to draw the crowds, than a magnificent Airship? The Airship is an upgradable building with 11 levels. At level 11, this magnificent feat of human engineering produces coins, population, and when motivated, supplies, Forge Points, Goods, and Guild Treasury Goods

Upgrade kit airship.png To upgrade the Airship, you have to use the Airship Upgrade Kit. These Kits can be obtained in the Archaeology quest line and as part of the Grand Prize.

Airship - Lv. 1

Airship - Lv. 2

Airship - Lv. 3

Airship - Lv. 4

Airship - Lv. 5

Airship - Lv. 6

Airship - Lv. 7

Airship - Lv. 8

Airship - Lv. 9

Airship - Lv. 10

Airship - Lv. 11

Fontána zemegule

GlobeFountain ArcheologyBonus20.png Nová budova Fontána zemegule, ktorú môžete vyhrať v udalosti z Dennej ceny, poskytuje okrem spokojnosti posilnenie zásob, ako aj posilnenie pre obrancov vášho mesta.

Nové portréty

Počas archeologickej udalosti si môžete za dokončenie série úloh odomknúť tri nové jedinečné portréty.

Conrad Conrad Johanna Johanna Morey Morey

Archeology avatar frame sand.png Nebojácni prieskumníci budú môcť nájsť v jaskyni aj portréty z prechádzajúcich udalostí!

Archeologická udalosť
Archeologická udalosť
Napoleon Bonaparte
Portrait 325.png Portrait 326.png Portrait 273.png
Eliza Henry Napoleon
Kleopatra Cézar Marcus Antonius
Portrait 189.png Portrait 190.png Portrait 188.png
Portrait 119.png Portrait 120.png Portrait 121.png
Jane Amelia David

Denná cena

Denná cena je špeciálna odmena, ktorá sa dá získať z váz. Je dostupná iba na obmedzený čas a je zobrazená v pravej hornej časti obrazovky udalosti.