Historická udalosť 2024

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HISTORY A Loading Screen 1.png

Ponorte sa do sveta, v ktorom sa najslávnejšie postavy histórie stretávajú v nadčasovom boji plnom stratégie, dôvtipu a moci. V našej novej Historickej udalosti budete ovládať moc legendárnych osobností, ktoré ožívajú na podmanivých kartách. Využite svoj dôvtip a stratégiu, aby ste porazili nepriateľa a získali úplne novú porciu cien!

History einstein.png

Ako sa môžem zúčastniť Historickej udalosti?

Všeobecný prehľad

Pri prvom otvorení okna hernej udalosti budete vyzvaní na dokončenie tutoriálu. Keď sa naučíte bojovať, môžete začať novú bitku. Každá séria bitiek je úsekom 7 súbojov s nepriateľmi, po ktorých nasleduje hrozivý boss. Vy aj váš nepriateľ ste reprezentovaní kartami vo vašom balíčku. V každom stretnutí sa vaša karta stretne v súboji s kartou nepriateľa. Všetky karty postáv patria k určitej frakcii, ktorá ovplyvňuje, aké poškodenie môžu spôsobiť nepriateľovi a aké poškodenie môže nepriateľ spôsobiť im. Poškodenie závisí aj od toho, aká silná je samotná karta, ale o tom neskôr.


Pred prvou bitkou si musíte vybrať obtiažnosť. Čím ťažšia je obtiažnosť, tým väčšie sú odmeny v prípade víťazstva! Máte na výber medzi ľahkou, strednou a ťažkou obtiažnosťou. Každú obtiažnosť predstavuje iná historická postava, ktorá je zároveň bossom, ktorého budete musieť na konci bitky poraziť. V tejto fáze si tiež môžete zobraziť karty, ktoré bude váš balíček obsahovať, kliknutím na symbol otáznika v pravom hornom rohu balíčka.

Ďalšou vecou, ktorú musíte vedieť, než sa pustíte do boja, sú meny udalosti: bojové mince a lístky.

History icon coins.png
Bojové mince
Bojové mince používajte na podporu v bitkách: doplňte si zdravie, kupujte si karty schopností, opätovne ťahajte karty.

Môžete ich získať z úloh udalosti alebo si ich zakúpiť za diamanty!

History icon tickets.png
Lístky môžete použiť na začatie bitky. Lístky sa časom dopĺňajú, ale vždy ich môžete získať viac za diamanty.

Keď si vyberiete svoj balíček, kliknite na tlačidlo "Začať bitku", aby ste minuli lístok a začali hru!


V bitke

Vy aj nepriateľ máte svoj vlastný "roh" s dôležitými štatistikami. Po vstupe do bojového okna uvidíte, že obe strany majú na oboch stranách okna udalosti ukazovateľ zdravia reprezentovaný srdiečkom. Majte na pamäti, že lišta zdravia predstavuje váš celkový počet bodov zdravia počas celého trvania bitky. Na druhej strane, lišta zdravia nepriateľa predstavuje úroveň zdravia nepriateľskej karty, s ktorou práve vediete súboj.

Počas hry nezabudnite sledovať svoje zdravie. Ak sa vyčerpá, prehráte celú bitku a prídete o odmeny z kariet, ku ktorým ste sa ešte nedostali. Aby sme vám to uľahčili, pridali sme upozornenie na nízky stav zdravia. Ak sa stretnete so situáciou, keď vám nepriateľská karta určite zníži zdravie pod nulu, začne blikať lišta zdravia a vyzve vás, aby ste si ho doplnili, čo môžete urobiť kliknutím na znamienko plus vedľa nej. Doplnenie zdravia stojí bojové mince.


Pri každom súboji s nepriateľskou kartou bude použitá karta odstránená z vášho balíčka bez ohľadu na výsledok súboja. Vyčerpanie kariet je ďalším spôsobom, ako prehrať bitku, preto si skontrolujte, koľko ich máte a aká je pravdepodobnosť, že sa vám budú v budúcnosti hodiť.

Vo vašom rohu si môžete zobraziť karty vo svojom aktuálnom balíčku kliknutím na toto tlačidlo priamo pod ním. Znalosť vašich kariet vám pomôže orientovať sa v bitke a plánovať lepšie ťahy.

History card player deck icon.png

Ak si potrebujete pozrieť niektoré aspekty mechaniky, môžete tak urobiť v sprievodcovi bitkou - tlačidlo v ľavom dolnom rohu okna.

History dungeon legend icon.png

Počas boja budete odmeňovaní za každú úspešne porazenú kartu. Odmeny si môžete pozrieť priamo pod kartou nepriateľa. Odmeny sa pohybujú v rozmedzí: body pokroku v rámci Veľkej ceny, truhlice s odmenami a karty schopností. Pokračujte v čítaní tohto článku a dozviete sa viac o posledne menovaných.

Ťahať znovu

Nevyhnutne sa ocitnete v situácii, keď karta, ktorú máte po ruke, nebude najlepšou voľbou na boj s nepriateľskou kartou, na ktorú ste narazili. V takýchto prípadoch použite funkciu Ťahať znovu. Kliknite na príslušné tlačidlo pod vašou kartou a hra vám ponúkne tri možnosti, ktoré môžete prechádzať, kým nenájdete kartu, ktorá sa vám páči.


Kliknutím na tlačidlo Vybrať vyberte kartu a znovu vstúpte do bitky.

Ak vám žiadna z navrhovaných možností nefunguje, kliknite znova na možnosť Ťahať znovu. Každé nové ťahanie vás bude stáť bojové mince a ponúkne vám nové karty z vášho balíčka.

Teraz sa na to pozrime bližšie.

Character Cards and Factions

Your success in the battles is defined by how you play your Cards. On all character Cards, you will find an indication of their Faction, damage range, and the Faction bonus.

The result of each battle will be influenced by the Cards' Faction on both sides. Think of it as rock-paper-scissors:


History icon genius.png
Outsmarts Champions! (Bonus attack against Champion card type)
History icon champion.png
Overpowers Commanders! (Bonus attack against Commander card type)
History icon commander.png
Outmanoeuvres Genius! (Bonus attack against Genius card type)
History icon manipulator.png
Nobody can guess their motives! (No faction bonus. Also no other faction has a bonus against Manipulators)

You can always reference this cheat sheet in the game, as it is displayed in the middle of the battle window.

Factions Advantage.png

The Character Cards

All character Cards will indicate whether they have a bonus or a disadvantage against the enemy. If you Card has a bonus, you will see a green plus sign on it. If not, a red minus sign.


Your card has a range of damage it can do, plus each card has a bonus against a certain type (except Manipulator cards). When you click 'Fight', you will deal damage to your enemy's health equivalent to the damage range of your selected card, plus any bonuses you have against that card type. For example, if your card does 4-6 damage, clicking 'Fight' will randomly select a value between 4 and 6, and deduct it from the enemy's health - plus any damage bonus from your card type! But the enemy will also attack you, so make sure to check the enemy can't deplete all your health in one hit, or you could end up defeated!

Karty schopností

Ability Cards can turn the tide of every battle. Every once in a while, you will be able to win an Ability Card in the battle. Ability Cards are unique Cards that do not have a Faction or damage stats but provide a special effect, such as draining enemy health, dealing a specific number of damage, etc. When you use Ability Cards, you are protected from the enemy damage. Look out for this symbol under the enemy Card to recognize battles that will get you Ability Cards.


Once you successfully defeated such an enemy, you will be able to select Ability Cards to your liking in the Card shop that opens. One Ability Card is guaranteed, as you can collect it as a reward for your victorious battle. However, you can get more with Battle Coins to be prepared for any situation future duels might throw at you!


The selection of the Cards in the shop depends on the battle difficulty and your Negotiation Power.

The Negotiation Power

The Negotiation Power is represented by this symbol you will see in various applications throughout the Event.


This Power offers you an additional advantage against your enemies. The more you have, the higher is the probability of getting one of the following mighty Ability Cards that can turn any battle into a walk in the park:

Assassination: A lethal force, instantly eliminating an enemy from play.

  • Grand Booty: Grants player 3x Grand Prize progress points (GP points) with chest rewards.
  • Grand Boost: Grants instant GP points to players.
  • Grand League: A fast track to League points, accelerating your progress in the competitive arena.
  • Reinforcements: Strengthens your deck by adding 3 power Cards, enhancing your strategic options and resilience in battles.

You can gain Negotiation Power from the main lane of the History Prizes and via specific Rival Challenges.

Tipy a triky

Highly consider using Redraw when you're at a disadvantage in combat! This reduces the damage dealt by enemies, giving you a tactical edge.


However, be careful when Redrawing! Redrawing without selecting a Card increases the cost for future Redraws. However, Cards that have already been drawn won’t be selected again, ensuring new options with each Redraw.

Monitor your Health! Don't lose track of your Health! Make sure to check how much damage your opponent could do to you before you select Fight. If they can deal out enough damage to kill you in one shot, it could be game over for this deck! We've made things easier by adding a warning to signify low Health. If you encounter a situation where your opponent is sure to deal enough damage to take you our of the game, you will see the heart blinking, indicating a low Health warning. If you lose all your health, the battle is lost, even when you also defeat the enemy!


Make use of Ability Cards, as they can turn the tides of a battle! Win these by defeating certain opponents — you'll win one for free but can buy up to two more using Battle Coins. Make your choices wisely to prepare for the remainder of the battle! Having more Ability Cards in your deck will help you leverage the Redraw functionality effectively. When using Redraw, at least one Ability Card is guaranteed to appear, enhancing your strategic options.

Do not forget about Leagues! Victory in battle not only progresses your journey but also awards bonus League points. The difficulty level you choose applies a multiplier to these points: 2x for Easy, 3x for Medium, and a significant 5x for Hard. This system can significantly boost your performance in the Leagues, bringing you new rewards and cementing your success in the Event!

Do not forget about the Negotiation Power either! The more Negotiation Power you have, the higher your chances of drawing premium Ability Cards. Up to 10% of Negotiation Power tokens can be obtained through the main Grand Prize lane, with additional tokens available through Rival Challenges.

Consider taking a risk in your battles! Opting for higher difficulty levels not only tests your prowess but also increases the quality of rewards. The higher the risk, the higher the reward! However, be aware that selecting a higher difficulty might require more ​wits and battler coins!


Kláštor v lesnom háji

The Grand Prize for this event is the beautiful Ascendant Grove Sanctuary, which when fully upgraded gives bonuses to attack and city defense, along with a special Guild Expedition attack bonus!

Where to win it: Grand Prizes, Silver and Gold History Prizes, Leagues

The Ascendant Grove Sanctuary - Lv.1
The Ascendant Grove Sanctuary - Lv.2
The Ascendant Grove Sanctuary - Lv.3
The Ascendant Grove Sanctuary - Lv.1
The Ascendant Grove Sanctuary - Lv.5
The Ascendant Grove Sanctuary - Lv.6

The Ascendant Grove Sanctuary - Lv.7

With the Golden Upgrade Kit, you can bring the Sanctuary to its ultimate version — The Apex Grove Sanctuary. The final upgrade will further improve the building bonuses, making your City even stronger!

Posádka s delom

Introducing a brand-new Mortar Garrison building with four possible levels! This building does not require a road connection.

Where to win it: Grand Prizes, Silver and Gold History Prizes, Card battles of any difficulty, Rival Challenges, League Reward, Mortar Garrison Selection Kits

Mortar Garrison- Lv. 1
Mortar Garrison- Lv. 1
link=[Sterling Garrison
Sterling Garrison
link=[Bullion Garrison
Bullion Garrison

The Garrison can be upgraded three more times using exclusive Upgrade Kits. All of the upgrades will boost the stats, providing more Random Goods, Medals, and adding an extra Defense bonus for your defending army.

More Reward Buildings

The Lilac Garden

Lilac Garden - Lv.1
Lilac Garden - Lv.2
Where to win it:
Limited building, obtained as lvl. 2 only
Where to win it:
Hard battles, Grand Prize lanes

Limited building, becomes Lilac Garden - Lv.1 after 10 days

Ethereal Fountain

Ethereal Fountain - Lv.1
Ethereal Fountain - Lv.2
Where to win: Limited building, obtained as lvl. 2 only
Where to win: Medium battles, Hard battles, Rival Challenges, Grand Prize lanes

Limited building, becomes Ethereal Fountain - Lv.1 after 10 days

Fromage Pavilion

Fromage Pavilion - Lv.1
Fromage_Pavilion - Lv. 2
Where to win:
Limited building, obtained as lvl. 2 only
Where to win:
Rival Challenges, Daily Specials

Limited building, becomes Fromage Pavilion - Lv.1 after 10 day

Other Reward buildings

Bastion Gatehouse
Silk Weaver's Emporium
Woodland Wager Retreat
Where to win it:
Silver History Prizes Pass, Gatehouse Emporium Ensemble Selection Kit, Rival Challenges
Where to win it:
Golden History Prizes Pass, Gatehouse Emporium Ensemble Selection Kit, Rival Challenges
Where to win it:
League reward exclusive


No Event is complete without some new Avatars for you to enjoy!

For this event, our talented artists created 8 new avatars, available from Quests, the League Reward and the History Prizes.

Ludwig van Beethoven
(Odmena zo série úloh 1)
Marie Curie
(Odmena zo série úloh 2)
Cyrus the Great
(Ligová odmena)
Joan of Arc
(Veľké ceny)
William Wallace
(Strieborná priepustka)
Queen Elizabeth I
(Strieborná priepustka)
Ulysses S. Grant
(Zlatá priepustka)
Hua Mulan
(Zlatá priepustka)