Súprava Čerešňovej záhrady

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Icon cherry garden.png Súprava Čerešňovej záhrady obsahuje 5 rozdielnych budov, ktoré sa dajú vylepšiť na druhú úroveň.

Spring18 buildings.jpg

Lv. 1 - Gong of Wisdom Lv. 2 - Gong of Wisdom Lv. 1 - Sakura Rock Lv. 2 - Sakura Rock
L SS AllAge SpringBonusSet18 400px.png
D SS MultiAge SpringBonusSet17b 400px.png
D SS MultiAge SpringBonusSet18b 400px.png

0 Without other set buildings Medaily
1 With 1 other set building Medaily
2 With 2 other set buildings Medaily
3 With 3 other set buildings 1 Body výskumu
4 With 4 other set buildings 2 Body výskumu

0 Without other set buildings Medaily
1 With 1 other set building Medaily
2 With 2 other set buildings Medaily
3 With 3 other set buildings 2 Body výskumu
4 With 4 other set buildings 2 Body výskumu

0 Without other set buildings Happiness
1 With 1 other set building Happiness
2 With 2 other set buildings 2% Attack Bonus
3 With 3 other set buildings 3% Attack Bonus

0 Without other set buildings Happiness
1 With 1 other set building Happiness
2 With 2 other set buildings 4% Attack Bonus
3 With 3 other set buildings 6% Attack Bonus

Lv. 1 - Nishikigoi Pond Lv. 2 - Nishikigoi Pond Lv. 1 - Zen Zone Lv. 2 - Zen Zone
D SS MultiAge SpringBonusSet18a 400px.png
R SS MultiAge SpringBonusSet18a 400px.png

0 Without other set buildings Happiness
1 With 1 other set building Happiness
2 With 2 other set buildings 2% Defense Bonus
3 With 3 other set buildings 3% Defense Bonus

0 Without other set buildings Happiness
1 With 1 other set building Happiness
2 With 2 other set buildings 5% Defense Bonus
3 With 3 other set buildings 7% Defense Bonus

0 Without other set buildings Coins
1 With 1 other set building Supplies
2 With 2 other set buildings 1 Forge Points
3 With 3 other set buildings 5 Goods

0 Without other set buildings Coins
1 With 1 other set building Supplies
2 With 2 other set buildings 1 Forge Points
3 With 3 other set buildings 10 Goods

Lv. 1 - Emperor's Entrance Lv. 2 - Emperor's Entrance
R SS MultiAge SpringBonusSet18b 400px.png

0 Without other set buildings Coins
1 With 1 other set building 1 Forge Points
2 With 2 other set buildings Supplies
3 With 3 other set buildings Medals

0 Without other set buildings Coins
1 With 1 other set building 1 Forge Points
2 With 2 other set buildings Medals
3 With 3 other set buildings 1 Forge Points

Upgrading the Cherry Garden Set

In order to bring one of the Cherry Garden Set Buildings to the next level, you will need the unique upgrade kit for each building.

With the selection kit you can decide yourself, if you want to build the level 1 version of the building, or get the upgrade kit to bring it to level 2.

Reward icon selection kit gong of wisdom.png
Selection Kit Gong of Wisdom
Reward icon upgrade kit gong of wisdom.png
Upgrade Kit Gong of Wisdom
Reward icon selection kit sakura rock.png
Selection KitSakura Rock
Reward icon upgrade kit sakura rock.png
Upgrade Kit Sakura Rock
Reward icon selection kit nishikigoi pond.png
Selection Kit Nishikigoi Pond
Reward icon upgrade kit nishikigoi pond.png
Upgrade Kit Nishikigoi Pond
Reward icon selection kit zen zone.png
Selection Kit Zen Zone
Reward icon upgrade kit zen zone.png
Upgrade Kit Zen Zone
Reward icon selection kit emperors entrance.png
Selection Kit Emperor's Entrance
Reward icon upgrade kit emperors entrance.png
Upgrade Kit Emperor's Entrance

If you use a Selection Kit a window will open, where you can choose which one you would like to get, the level 1 building or the upgrade kit:

Kit selection zen zone.png

Choose "Build" and you can directly place the building in your city. Choose "Upgrade" and you can upgrade an existing level 1 building in your city.
Be aware, that you can only use the Upgrade Kit for level 1 buildings of the set and only for the displayed building.
For example: The Zen Zone Upgrade Kit will not upgrade the Sakura Rock. Only the Zen Zone.