Súprava Hororového cirkusu

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Verzia z 18:58, 27. október 2021, ktorú vytvoril Blau (diskusia | príspevky) (Vytvorená stránka „100px|Right|link=<br>V tohtoročnej Halloweenskej udalosti, nemáme len jednu Veľkú cenu, ale až päť rôznych jedinečných budov! K…“)
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V tohtoročnej Halloweenskej udalosti, nemáme len jednu Veľkú cenu, ale až päť rôznych jedinečných budov! Každá z týchto budov súpravy Hororového cirkusu sa dá vylepšiť až na úroveň 2, poskytujú základný bonus, ako aj rôzne bonusy za pripojenie k súprave (s rôznymi poskytnutými bonusmi, ako k súprave pripojíte viac budov). Jednotlivo môžu byť hrozivé, ale ako súprava sú určite smrteľné!

Desivé šálky (2x3)

Úr. 1

Vylepšenie Desivých šálok Desivé šálky (2x3)

Úr. 2

A SS MultiAge HalloweenBonusSet21a.png
Upgrade kit terror teacups.png
A SS MultiAge HalloweenBonusSet21b.png
0 Without other set buildingsSpokojnosť
1 With 1 other set buildings 4%

2 With 2 other set building 3%

3 With 3 other set building 3%

0 Without other set buildingsSpokojnosť
1 With 1 other set buildings 8%

2 With 2 other set building 6%

3 With 3 other set building 6%

Tajomný organ (3x1)

Úr. 1

Vylepšenie Tajomného organu Tajomný organ (3x1)

Úr. 2

D SS MultiAge HalloweenBonusSet21a.png
Upgrade kit mystical organ.png
D SS MultiAge HalloweenBonusSet21b.png
0 Without other set buildingsSpokojnosť
1 With 1 other set buildings 4%

2 With 2 other set building 1%

3 With 3 other set building 2%

0 Without other set buildingsSpokojnosť
1 With 1 other set buildings 8%

2 With 2 other set building 4%

3 With 3 other set building 5%

Veža výkrikov (3x3) - Úr. 1 Vylepšenie Veže výkrikov Veža výkrikov (3x3) - Úr. 2
R SS MultiAge HalloweenBonusSet21a.png
Upgrade kit helter skelter.png
R SS MultiAge HalloweenBonusSet21b.png
0Without other set buildings neg. Spokojnosť

1 With 1 other set buildings

2 With 2 other set building 1

3 With 3 other set building 3

4 With 4 other set building 4

0Without other set buildings neg. Spokojnosť

1 With 1 other set buildings

2 With 2 other set building 2

3 With 3 other set building 6

4 With 4 other set building 8

Mesto klaunov (5x2) - Úr. 1 Vylepšenia Mesta klaunov Mesto klaunov (5x2) - Úr. 2
R SS MultiAge HalloweenBonusSet21c.png
0Without other set buildings neg. Happiness

1 With 1 other set buildings 1

2 With 2 other set building 5

0Without other set buildings neg. Happiness

1 With 1 other set buildings 2

2 With 2 other set building 15

Koleso smrti (2x1) - Úr. 1 Vylepšenie Kolesa smrti Koleso smrti (2x1) - Úr. 2
L SS AllAge HalloweenBonusSet21a.png
Upgrade kit wheel of death.png
L SS AllAge HalloweenBonusSet21a.png
0 Without other set buildings Medaily

1 With 1 other set buildingsMedaily
2 With 2 other set building 1 Forge Points

0 Without other set buildings Medaily

1 With 1 other set buildingsMedaily
2 With 2 other set building 3 Forge Points

Vylepšovanie súpravy Hororového cirkusu

In order to bring one of the Horror Circus Set Buildings to the next level, you will need the unique upgrade kit for each building seen above. Alternatively, you can also use the Horror Circus Selection Kit to upgrade any of the set buildings.

Súprava výberu Hororového cirkusu

If you use the Horror Circus Selection Kit, a window will open that allows you to either upgrade one of your existing Horror Circus Set Buildings to Level 2 or build a new Level 1 Horror Circus Set Building.

Selection kit horror circus.png

Choose "Build" and you can directly place the building in your city. Choose "Upgrade" and you can upgrade an existing level 1 building in your city.