Strelec s puškou

Zo stránky Forge of Empires - Wiki SK
Verzia z 14:00, 27. august 2017, ktorú vytvoril Sissy Lu (diskusia | príspevky) (Sissy Lu premiestnil stránku Riffleman na Strelec s puškou: slovenský názov)
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Rifleman is the ranged unit of the industrial Age.

Age: Icon reward age.png Industrial Age
Type: Icon reward military unit short range.png Short Ranged Unit
Attack: Icon attack.png 38
Defense: Icon defense.png 25
Range: Icon range.png 8
Movement: Icon movement.png 12
Attack: +15 against Icon reward military unit heavy infantry.png

+9 on Rocks.png

Defense: +15 against Icon reward military unit heavy infantry.png
no special abilities
Other Info
Battle Points: Icon rank.png 1380
Requirements: Icon quest alchemie.png Rifles

Military small.png Rifleman Range

Training Costs: 500 Icon money.png 500 Icon supplies.png
Training Time: Icon time.png 4 hours
Healing Time: Icon time.png 24 mins/hit point