Letná udalosť 2013 - 2017

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When Summer is here, that means Greva's Summer Casino is open for business again! Every year she chooses a different theme. They all have some common points: sun, sand, and crystal clear water!

The basics of the event are the same every year: There is a Wheel of Fortune which you share with your neighbours. There are all kinds of prizes on this wheel: portraits, common items, new event buildings and even event buildings from the past! When all prizes are won (by you and/or you neighbours), the wheel refreshes itself and 9 new prizes will appear. You can also refresh the wheel yourself, in which case the wheel gets refreshed for your whole neighbourhood. On top of that: for each 77 total spins your neighbourhood makes, all of the players in your neighbourhood receive some medals. Each spin of the wheel costs you 1 ticket. Tickets are collected by completing quests.


The first year of Greva’s Summer Casino brought the Straw Hut, Beach Bar, Palm Tree and Sandcastle as new event buildings. There was also a special “Sundial” reward for completing all Summer Quests.

StrawHutmini.png Palmtreeicon.pngBeachBarmini.pngSandcastlemini.pngSundial.png


Tento krát sa Greva vrátila s Ozdobeným baobabom, Oázou, Tigrím brlohom a Bosoráckym doktorom.

DecoratedBaobabmini.png Oasismini.pngTigersDenmini.pngWitchDoctormini.png


V roku 2015 si Greva vybrala orientálnu tému a špeciálnymi odmenami boli Bazár, Karavansaraj, Zikkurat a Sfinga

Bazaarmini.png Caravansarymini.pngZigguratmini.png Sphinx2.png


V roku 2016 Greva zavítala do vášho mesta so špeciálnymi odmenami v polynézskom štýle: Luau, Rybárska chatrč, Dom na stĺpe a Totem Tiki.

FishingHuticon.png Luauicon.pngPoleHouse.png Tikitotemicon.png


Tento rok ho vedú dvaja kráľovskí hostia z ďalekej cudziny: Maharadža a jeho žena, Maharani. Chcú vo svojej krajine zaviesť kasíno, takže tento rok prevezmú pozíciu Grevy (samozrejme, s jej zvolením), aby sa naučili, ako všetko funguje.. Špeciálna odmena je 10 nových budov so setovým bonusom.

Icon set indian palace.png Súprava indického paláca
R SS MultiAge SummerBonusSetA17a.pngR SS MultiAge SummerBonusSetA17b.pngR SS MultiAge SummerBonusSetA17c.png D SS MultiAge SummerBonusSetA17a.pngD SS MultiAge SummerBonusSetA17b.png

Icon set indian fountain.png Súprava indickej fontány
A SS MultiAge SummerBonusSetB17a.pngR SS MultiAge SummerBonusSetB17a.pngR SS MultiAge SummerBonusSetB17b.pngD SS MultiAge SummerBonusSetB17a.pngD SS MultiAge SummerBonusSetB17b.png