Forge Bowl 2022

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Náš slávny rozohrávač Cal Rogers sa vracia s tímom InnoForgers, aby sa zúčastnili tohtoročného Forge Bowlu!


Ako sa môžem zúčastniť Forge Bowlu?


InnoForgeri ohlasujú svoj triumfálny návrat! Opäť sa k nám pridáva aj Cal Rogers, aby viedol svoj tím InnoForgerov k víťazstvu na šampionáte amerického futbalu! Akonáhle sa Forge Bowl začne, môžete vstúpiť do okna udalosti v ľavom hornom rohu a skórovať prvý touchdown pre svoj tím. Počúvajte Cala Rogersa a postupujte v tohtoročnej sérii úloh. Okamžite budete môcť dokončiť 36 rýchlych úloh a potom dostanete každý deň jednu úlohu až do posledného dňa hernej udalosti (20 ďalších úloh). Za každú dokončenú úlohu získate futbalové lopty.

Používajte futbalové lopty na prihrávky hráčom a zvyšujte si vaše útočné skóre! Rozličné prihrávky poskytujú rozdielne odmeny a pomáhajú vám pokročiť ďalej na ihrisku.

Vašim cieľom je dostať sa do koncovej zóny ihriska a skórovať touchdown, za čo získate aj odmenu. Posuňte svoj tím vpred o 80 yardov aby ste skórovali a zatlačte vašich súperov smerom k vašej cene. Aby ste to dosiahli, musíte si zvoliť tú správnu taktiku.


Pre začatie hry si vyberte jedného hráča z pola a potom nahrávajte loptu smerom ku koncovej zóne. Každý hráč vám pri výbere poskytne inú odmenu. Každá prihrávka si vyžaduje fotbalové lopty, ktoré môžete získať plnením úloh. Ďalšie fotbalové lopty môžete získať za každodenné prihlasovanie do hry, ako aj zbieraním z incidentov, ktoré sa môžu objaviť v okolí vášho mesta.


Just like last year, you will have the assistance of five well-prepared coaches. You can change your current coach by clicking his portrait in the the top left corner. Upon opening the coaches' clipboard, you'll be able to select a coach who suits your current tactics best. There are four volunteer coaches, and each of them provides different advantages as you make progress to a touchdown. There's also the professional Ultimate Coach, who provides all these advantages combined . The Default Coach is your initial coach, and he will stay with you for however long you wish. If you prefer to choose another coach, they will work for you for up to 24 hours (but you can dismiss them earlier), after which they will take a 24 hour break during which they cannot be rehired. If you really want to though, they will rejoin you earlier for a small fee. This cooldown does not apply to the Default Coach and the Ultimate Coach.

Coaches Boost Cost Time active Cooldown Cooldown Cost
Coach 2.2.png
Default Coach
Provides a small chance to double a play reward​
Free Event 00:00H Free
Coach 2.3.png
Progress Coach
This coach grants extra yard progress for each play​
Free Up to 24 hours 24:00H Icon diamonds.png 50
Special Coach
Increases the chance of winning the Daily Special​
Free Up to 24 hours 24:00H Icon diamonds.png 50
Coach 2.4.png
League Coach
Doubles the points earned towards the League Table​
Free Up to 24 hours 24:00H Icon diamonds.png 50
Coach 2.5.png
Ultimate Coach
Provides the bonuses of all the Coaches together​
Icon diamonds.png 150 Up to 24 hours 00:00H Free

Ligový rebríček

Just like a real life sporting event, Forge Bowl has its own League Table! For every yard you move forward, your rank in the League will progress. With higher ranking comes greater rewards! At the end of the event, you will receive additional special rewards based on your ranking. It's definitely worth trying to aim for a higher rank to gain access to some awesome extra rewards!

League system.png

Ligové odmeny

The leagues are split by a percentage of all players on the world. The Amateur League will be the Top 50%, the Bronze League will be the Top 25%, Silver has the Top 5% and Gold is the Top 1% of all players on your world.

As other players progress in the League, it is possible that you fall in your rankings, especially when many players play the event at the same time. As such, make sure to check your standings regularly. At the end of the event, you will get a message summarizing your position in the ranking.

Every rank in the League offers you different rewards in the Forge Bowl. The rewards will only be given, at the end of the event.

Rookie Reward
Rookie League
Amateur Reward
Amateur League
Bronze Reward
Bronze League
Small fp.png 10 Forge Points
Small fp.png 20 Forge Points
Reward icon one up kit 25px.png 1 One Up Kit
Small fp.png 50 Forge Points
Reward icon one up kit 25px.png 1 One Up Kit
T SS AllAge SportBonus20a.png 1 sentinel lvl. 1
Silver Reward
Silver League
Small fp.png 100 Forge Points
Reward icon one up kit 25px.png 1 One Up Kit

T SS AllAge SportBonus20b.png 1 sentinel lvl. 2
Missing file 1 Fiore Village Selection Kit

Gold Reward
Gold League

Small fp.png 200 Forge Points
Reward icon one up kit 25px.png 1 One Up Kit

T SS AllAge SportBonus20b.png 1 sentinel lvl. 2
Missing file 2 Fiore Village Selection Kits
Missing portrait () Portrait

Forge Bowl Questline

There are 56 quests in total to complete and aid you in your progress towards getting all rewards and Footballs for this event! Each completed quest contributes to the counter at the bottom of the quest window, and you will unlock new prizes at 5, 15, 25, 40 & 56 quests!


Forge Bowl odmeny

Dedina Fiore

With Forge Bowl 2022 we're also introducing a new exciting building! The event's main reward is the Fiore Village, a 10 level residential building! You can get the level 1 building from the questline, an you can upgrade it all the way to the level 10. To do so, you need Fiore Village Upgrade Kits. The base building provides coins, happiness and population. Level 3 adds medals to the rewards. Levels 5 & 6 add in goods for you and levels 7 & 8 also give guild goods as well as at level 8 you will get an additional coin production boost. Finally, level 10 will also include defense for attacking army as well as all the bonuses from the prior levels.

FioreVillage 1.png

Grand Prize: The Fiore Village is an upgradable 4x6 residential building with 10 levels

Nové Forge Bowl potréty

Pred vašimi susedmi alebo kamarátmi sa budete môcť pochváliť dvomi peknými novými tématickými portrétmi:


Nový Event Pass

We're also adding something new and exciting for this years event, the brand new Event Pass! This is a special Premium option that you can purchase to get extra rewards with each Grand Prize you acquire in this event.

Upon clicking on "See Prizes" at the bottom right corner of your event screen, you can see the upcoming event prizes that are waiting for you to be unlocked. Here, for every 80 yards you advance in the field, you can unlock one of the event Grand Prizes, among which you can find various high-rarity items.

This year we have also added Bowl Prizes! The Bowl Prizes' lane (the blue one) becomes available with purchasing the Event Pass, and you can do so at any time through the Event Prizes window! When you unlock it, for every 80 yards you can simultaneously receive one of the Bowl Prizes, containing even more rewards for your city!


Ostatné Forge Bowl budovy

A to nie je všetko! Ak ste sa nezúčastnili našich predchádzajúcich udalostí, teraz budete mať možnosť získať niektoré skvelé budovy z minulosti, ako sú: Kolos, Olympijská pokladnica, Strážna veža, Terakotový vinohrad a ďalšie!



Olympic Treasury

Sentinel Outpost - Lv. 1

R SS MultiAge SportBonus21h-0ec0c8501.png
Terrakotový_vinohrad - úr. 8