Udalosť Spoločenstva 2024: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

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(Vytvorená stránka „700px|center|link=<br> <center><font color=#757d78>''''''Greetings, noble lords and ladies! The grand celebration is upon us once again, as our valiant heroes return from their year of gallant exploits. It is time to honor their bravery and accomplishments with a magnificent feast, and your help is needed to make it a celebration worthy of their deeds!'''''' </font></center>''<br> 300px|left<br>…“)
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Riadok 1: Riadok 1:
<center><font color=#757d78>''''''Greetings, noble lords and ladies! The grand celebration is upon us once again, as our valiant heroes return from their year of gallant exploits. It is time to honor their bravery and accomplishments with a magnificent feast, and your help is needed to make it a celebration worthy of their deeds!''''''
<center><font color=#757d78>''''''Zdravíme vás, vznešené dámy a páni! Opäť sa blíži veľkolepá oslava, ako sa naši udatní hrdinovia vracajú zo svojich ročných chrabrých výprav. Nastal čas uctiť si ich odvahu a úspechy veľkolepou hostinou a je potrebná vaša pomoc, aby sa oslava stala hodnou ich činov!''''''
[[File:hero_squire.png|300px|left]]<br> __TOC__<br style="clear:both">
[[File:hero_squire.png|300px|left]]<br> __TOC__<br style="clear:both">
Riadok 8: Riadok 8:
[[File:Fellowship 2023 event entry.png|200px|left]]
[[File:Fellowship 2023 event entry.png|200px|left]]

As soon as the Fellowship event begins, you can access the event window in the top left corner to start your grand quest!  
Hneď ako sa začne udalosť Spoločenstva, môžete otvoriť okno udalosti v ľavom hornom rohu a začať svoju veľkú výpravu!
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=== Ako to funguje? ===
=== Ako to funguje? ===
Your loyal guide, Squire Primrose, will assist you in completing quests to earn the precious Gemstones needed to finance the grand feast. Each day, you can also collect 100 free Gemstones through the Daily Bonus Quests!
Váš verný sprievodca, panoš Primrose, vám bude pomáhať plniť úlohy, aby ste získali vzácne drahokamy potrebné na financovanie veľkolepej hostiny. Každý deň môžete tiež získať 100 drahokamov zdarma prostredníctvom denných bonusových úloh!  


Upon opening the event window, you will see a map of the kingdom. To the left, you'll find the Grand Banquet hall and the Carriage, while to the right are the bustling medieval shops producing the provisions needed for the feast. Select any shop to start the production process, and once complete, collect the provisions to add to your stockpile.
Po otvorení okna udalosti sa vám zobrazí mapa kráľovstva. Na ľavej strane uvidíte veľkú hodovnú sieň a smerom do stredu nájdete jeden z obchodov kráľovstva. Kliknutím na obchod začnete vyrábať zásoby na hostinu. Po dokončení výroby budú zásoby pripravené na odber. Ak ich chcete prepraviť, kliknite na koňa a voz v ľavom dolnom rohu. Koč vyzdvihne zásoby z obchodu a doručí ich do hodovnej siene. Keď sú zásoby bezpečne doručené, kliknite na hodovnú sieň, aby ste ich uskladnili.  
But be cautious! You must transport these provisions Banquet hall. Make use of the Carriage to move the provisions from your shops to the feast. Only when the provisions are safely delivered and collected into your satchel is your task complete!

====Maximalizovanie produkcie====
====Maximalizovanie produkcie====
Riadok 26: Riadok 23:
|If you've accumulated a large stockpile of provisions, you can check the 'max' box to automatically use the maximum amount in a shop with a single click. To speed up your efforts, you may also spend Gemstones to fast-track production, skipping 2, 4, or 8 hours at a time.
|Ak ste si vytvorili veľké množstvo zásob na hostinu a chcete ich všetky rýchlejšie spotrebovať, začiarknite políčko "max". Tým sa automaticky investuje maximálne množstvo zásob do obchodu jedným kliknutím. Ak zistíte, že máte málo času, môžete tiež minúť drahokamy, aby ste urýchlili výrobu, a preskočiť naraz 2, 4 alebo 8 hodín.  

Verzia z 18:26, 1. október 2024

FELLOWSHIP A Loading Screen 24.jpg

'Zdravíme vás, vznešené dámy a páni! Opäť sa blíži veľkolepá oslava, ako sa naši udatní hrdinovia vracajú zo svojich ročných chrabrých výprav. Nastal čas uctiť si ich odvahu a úspechy veľkolepou hostinou a je potrebná vaša pomoc, aby sa oslava stala hodnou ich činov!'

Hero squire.png

Ako sa môžem zúčastniť udalosti Spoločenstva?

Fellowship 2023 event entry.png

Hneď ako sa začne udalosť Spoločenstva, môžete otvoriť okno udalosti v ľavom hornom rohu a začať svoju veľkú výpravu!

Ako to funguje?

Váš verný sprievodca, panoš Primrose, vám bude pomáhať plniť úlohy, aby ste získali vzácne drahokamy potrebné na financovanie veľkolepej hostiny. Každý deň môžete tiež získať 100 drahokamov zdarma prostredníctvom denných bonusových úloh!


Po otvorení okna udalosti sa vám zobrazí mapa kráľovstva. Na ľavej strane uvidíte veľkú hodovnú sieň a smerom do stredu nájdete jeden z obchodov kráľovstva. Kliknutím na obchod začnete vyrábať zásoby na hostinu. Po dokončení výroby budú zásoby pripravené na odber. Ak ich chcete prepraviť, kliknite na koňa a voz v ľavom dolnom rohu. Koč vyzdvihne zásoby z obchodu a doručí ich do hodovnej siene. Keď sú zásoby bezpečne doručené, kliknite na hodovnú sieň, aby ste ich uskladnili.

Maximalizovanie produkcie

Image-2023-5-26 7-28-31.png Ak ste si vytvorili veľké množstvo zásob na hostinu a chcete ich všetky rýchlejšie spotrebovať, začiarknite políčko "max". Tým sa automaticky investuje maximálne množstvo zásob do obchodu jedným kliknutím. Ak zistíte, že máte málo času, môžete tiež minúť drahokamy, aby ste urýchlili výrobu, a preskočiť naraz 2, 4 alebo 8 hodín.


Image-2023-5-26 6-29-25.png Once you have a shop set up, it is time to hire an overseer. Select the Image-2023-5-26 6-29-25.png icon to hire an overseer; this will automate the production of Feast Provisions, and also improve the output of the shops. The banquet hall and wagonmaster can also each have an overseer allowing you to automate the entire process. Level up the overseer for even better efficiency!

Now you're all set up to start completing some tasks! You can find three tasks at a time at the top of the event window. For more information on your tasks, click on the grey arrow to the right of the tasks bar. Once a task is complete, you will be prompted to collect it. Completing and collecting tasks will increase your progress toward the Grand Prizes and special Fellowship Prizes, as well as providing a reward. But more on that later!

Slávnostné truhlice

Each time you complete and collect a task, a new one will fill its place until all the tasks for that map are complete. Now you can move on to the next map by selecting the 'Next Banquet' button in the bottom right. You will also have the chance to win some extra prizes from the end-stage chests! One chest can be opened for free, but if you open all 6 you will win the bonus prize in the top right. Be wary though as each chest will increase in cost, so make sure you have enough Gemstones to open the chests you want! To bag a discount, open all the chests at once!

Image-2023-5-26 6-38-57.png

If this all sounds like too much information - do not worry, your first map can be completed for only 1 million Feast Provisions, so use the time to get to grips with the event!

You don't need to collect all tasks in order to proceed and unlock a new map. Starting from the second event map, as soon as you gather 8.4 quadrillion Feast Provisions, you can click on "Continue" to advance and still keep your grand prize progress (in other words, the task progress). Once you've selected your stage prizes, the map progress will be reset and this gives you the chance to start the production over and earn yourself even more Grand Prizes.

Image-2023-5-26 7-34-48.png

This button will light up as soon as you have 8.4Q Feast Provisions.

Séria úloh Spoločenstva

There are 56 quests in total to aid your progress. 35 rush quests, and then a further 21 Daily quests! Each completed quest contributes to the counter at the bottom of the quest window, and you will unlock new prizes at 5, 20, 35, 45 & 56 quests!



Boosters are exclusively available from the Rival Challenge Questlines

KingsChronometer.png King's Chronometer

Fast forward your productions by two hours without using Gemstones.

RoyalSeal.png Royal Seal of Advancement

Upgrade your Overseers without spending Gemstones.

MonarchsEdict.png Monarch's Edict of Provisions

Get a discount on the number of Feast Provisions required to progress to the next Banquet. Useable once per Banquet.

Historickí spojenci

V rámci tejto udalosti pridávame do hry ešte viac historických spojencov, ktorí boli nedávno predstavení. Prečítajte si o tom viac informácií tuto.


Should your banquet be a success, you can win some wondrous new prizes, as well as old favourites! First we have the Whisperwood Watermill.

Whisperwood Watermill

Introducing our grand prize, the Whisperwood Watermill! This building has 8 standard levels plus a gold and silver upgrade!

Link= Whisperwood Watermill - Lv.1 can be found as part of the Grand Prizes and can then be upgraded using Whisperwood Watermill Upgrade Kit which can be obtained in the Fellowship Event 2024 quest line and as part of the Grand Prizes.
Whisperwood Watermill - Lv.1
Whisperwood Watermill - Lv.2
Whisperwood Watermill - Lv.3
Whisperwood Watermill - Lv.4
Whisperwood Watermill - Lv.5
Whisperwood Watermill - Lv.6
Whisperwood Watermill - Lv.7
Whisperwood Watermill - Lv.8

Sylvan Whisperwood Watermill and Arcadian Whisperwood Watermill

Introducing our grand prize, the Whisperwood Watermill! This building has 8 standard levels plus a gold and silver upgrade!

Link= Sylvan Whisperwood Watermill (5x6) A Silver Upgrade Kit is required to upgrade your Whisperwood Watermill to the Sylvan Whisperwood Watermill Link= Arcadian Whisperwood Watermill (5x6). A Golden Upgrade Kit is required to upgrade your Sylvan Whisperwood Watermill to the Arcadian Whisperwood Watermill
Sylvan Whisperwood Watermill
Arcadian Whisperwood Watermill

Ďalšie odmeny!​

Escutcheon Estate

The famous Escutcheon Estate can be gathered by finishing towns and buying all the chests!

W SS MultiAge FELL24E1-c8afad6ea.png

Imperial Skyletter Spire

Give your carrier pigeons a warm place to roost with our all new Skyletter Spire ! You can acquire it by finishing in the Gold League!

W SS MultiAge FELL24D1-a53607db1.png

Mythical Manor

Here we introduce an upgrade on an old favourite! Give your Legendary Lodges a bit of polish and upgrade them to the new Mythical Manor. The Legendary Lodge is the Upgraded Version of the Heroes Tavern. This upgrade is available in the Grand prize and Golden pass lines!

W SS MultiAge FELL22A12-ab75376b5.png

Valiant Knights Pavilion

What's better than a knight? A valiant knight ! Upgrade your old Knights Pavilions to add a touch of valour and chivalry to your town! You can get it from the Mythical Manor!

W SS MultiAge FELL22B2-8f10992a1.png

Jolly Oink Pigsty

You'll be jollier than our jolly oinking pigs if you get your hands on one of these, exclusive to the Silver Pass!
This happy building can be upgraded to an Ascended version, which will revert to Jolly Oink Pigsty after 30 days.

Jolly Oink Pigsty - inactive (3x4) Ascended Jolly Oink Pigsty - active (3x4)
W SS MultiAge FELL24B1-951f0f78c.png W SS MultiAge FELL24B2-89214702e.png

Royal Carriage

Your citizens will be arriving in style with the new Royal Carriage, a Gold Pass exclusive!
Can be upgraded to an Ascended version and will be reverted to the Royal Carriage after 30 days.

Royal Carriage - inactive (4x3) Ascended Royal Carriage - active (4x3)
W SS MultiAge FELL24C1-5554bf684.png W SS MultiAge FELL24C2-9fcbdd43b.png

=== Ligy Spoločenstva From epic jousts to nail biting archery matches, all great heroes need a competition to measure their strength and reap rewards and glory! Compete against other players in the league to win extra rewards and all important clout!

Fellowship 2023 League.png

Epická súprava výberu​

Selection kit epic Fellowship 2023.png

No hero should be without their tavern, so we have our Epic Fellowship 2024 Selection Kit to ensure you have everything you need to build a town fit for a hero!

Portréty udalosti Spoločenstva

As always, you'll get to show off your progress to your friends and neighbours, by obtaining these 8 new themed portraits:

Matilda Thistleberry
Matilda Thistleberry
(Questline 1 reward)
Gideon Fernwhisper
Gideon Fernwhisper
(Questline 2 Reward)
Seraphina Quillfeather
Seraphina Quillfeather
(League Reward)
Julian Woodmere
Julian Woodmere
(Event Pass Free lane reward)
Talon Ironclad
Talon Ironclad
(Silver Fellowship prizes reward​)
Wynne Emberforge
Wynne Emberforge
(Silver Fellowship prizes reward​)
Peregrine Goldbrush
Peregrine Goldbrush
(Golden Fellowship prizes reward​)
Empress Rowena XXIV
Empress Rowena XXIV
(Golden Fellowship prizes reward​)