Deň svätého Patrika 2021

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STPATRICK Loading Screen.png

"Hello Friend! Top of the mornin' to ya! St. Patrick's Day is almost upon us and you must be the one who's come to help us get

ready for the big festivities... would I be right?"


The St. Patrick's Day Event introduced a brand new and unique way to collect some awesome avatars, achievements and buildings as rewards, with a completely new event mechanic. Your task is to help the townsfolk prepare for the momentous occasion, and looking at it, you've got your work cut out for you! Paddy McCharms is the festival's guide, so be sure to listen to him as he shows you around town, introducing you to the townsfolk who will aid you in your quest to throw the best St. Patrick's Day festival ever!

How can I participate in the St. Patrick's day event?

You need to complete quests to earn Pots of Gold. There are 56 quests to complete, 35 rush quests, and then 1 quest for each day of the event. You can also find even more Pots of Gold in incidents around your city. Use the Pots of Gold in the main event window to prepare for the celebrations. You can also purchase additional Pots of Gold for Diamonds if you need some more.


Upon opening the event window, you'll see a map of the town. On the left hand side you have the festival. Towards the center, you'll see one of the town's factories. Click on this to start producing goods for use in the festival. Once the production is complete, they'll put the goods in containers ready for collection. Click on the ferry in the bottom left corner to send it to collect goods from the town, and deliver them to the festival. Once the ferry arrives back at the festival, click on it to collect the goods, and earn yourself some Shamrocks!



Use these newly earned Shamrocks Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png to upgrade your factories, improving your output, and maximizing production. You can also upgrade your ferry, as well as the festival itself, to increase the amount of goods the ferry can carry across the river, as well as how quickly the festival can use the delivered goods. If you've gathered a lot of Shamrocks Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png, and don't want to upgrade the productions incrementally, tick the 'max' button in the top left corner to upgrade them much faster! Also, if you want to, you can spend Pots of Gold Stpatrick image currency event.png to advance your productions instantly by 2, 4 or 8 hours. This is a quick way to produce additional Shamrocks if you need them.

To help you get off to a good start you can also read our Getting started guide


But micromanaging these factories isn't all you can do. Paddy has a suggestion to make your life so much easier! He'll introduce you to some fine young folk who, for a fee, will manage your factories. Click on the top hat (Tinyhat.png) to hire a manager for Pots of Gold. Hiring a manager not only gives you the opportunity to improve your factories output, but also automates the production of goods, meaning you don't have to click on your factory anymore! You can also hire a Festival Manager, to automatically manage the festival on your behalf, and a Shipyard Manager, to automate the shipment of goods to the festival.


The festival

Stpatrick image building parades.png The festival is where you sell all your goods and gets shamrocks Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.pngin return. The festival is across the river from the factories, so it is necessary to transport the goods across the river by boat. Once across the goods will be stored until you or your manager can sell them.

The Shipyard

Stpatrick image building ship.png The Shipyard is where you maintain and expand your Ferry. This costs shamrocks Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png. The more you upgrade your ferry, the more goods it can transport across the river and the faster it sails.

Goods buildings

There are five different goods buildings. Each produces different amounts of festival goods. The Hat factory is available immediately when the event starts, and the other four can be unlocked by spending shamrocks Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png.

When a building becomes available it will be at level 1. You can use shamrocks to increase the production in your buildings. While every single level will increase the production of your building, reaching certain tiers will unlock production multipliers.

Levels Multiplier
1-10 1
11-25 2
26-50 4
51-100 8
101-200 16
201-300 32

Building Description Cost to unlock.
Stpatrick image building hatfactory.png Hat factory. Free
Stpatrick image building flowersfactory.png Flower factory. 1.1K Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png
Stpatrick image building cakefactory.png Cake factory. 1.2M Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png
Stpatrick image building factory.png Drinks factory. 1.5B Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png
Stpatrick image building firefactory.png Fireworks factory 111B Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png


Click on the top hat to hire a manager for Pots of Gold. Hiring a manager automates the productions of goods, meaning you don't have to click on your factory anymore. And not only that, it will also improve the factory's output even further! Hire a Festival Manager to automatically manage the festival on your behalf, and a Shipyard Manager, to automate the shipment of goods to the festival.

Úrovne Stpatrick image manager market.pngSprávca festivalu Stpatrick image manager transport.png Správca lodenice Stpatrick image manager hats.png Správca továrne na klobúky Stpatrick image manager flowers.pngSprávca továrne na kvety Stpatrick image manager cakes.pngSprávca továrne na koláče Stpatrick image manager factory.pngSprávca továrne na nápoje Stpatrick image manager fireworks.pngSprávca továrne na ohňostroje
Úroveň 1 20Stpatrick image currency event.png 20Stpatrick image currency event.png 10Stpatrick image currency event.png 20Stpatrick image currency event.png 30Stpatrick image currency event.png 40Stpatrick image currency event.png 50Stpatrick image currency event.png
Úroveň 2 40Stpatrick image currency event.png 40Stpatrick image currency event.png 20Stpatrick image currency event.png 40Stpatrick image currency event.png 60Stpatrick image currency event.png 80Stpatrick image currency event.png 100Stpatrick image currency event.png
Úroveň 3 80Stpatrick image currency event.png 80Stpatrick image currency event.png 30Stpatrick image currency event.png 60Stpatrick image currency event.png 90Stpatrick image currency event.png 120Stpatrick image currency event.png 150Stpatrick image currency event.png
Úroveň 4 150Stpatrick image currency event.png 150Stpatrick image currency event.png 50Stpatrick image currency event.png 100Stpatrick image currency event.png 150Stpatrick image currency event.png 200Stpatrick image currency event.png 250Stpatrick image currency event.png
Úroveň 5 300Stpatrick image currency event.png 300Stpatrick image currency event.png 100Stpatrick image currency event.png 200Stpatrick image currency event.png 300Stpatrick image currency event.png 400Stpatrick image currency event.png 500Stpatrick image currency event.png

Ďalšie mesto

Pýtate sa, čo vlastne za to všetko môžete získať? V okne udalosti môžete vidieť zoznam s tromi mestskými úlohami. Keď dokončíte úlohu, môžete ju vyzbierať, čím sa priblížite k získaniu vašej Veľkej ceny. Splňte 25 mestských úloh a získajte Veľkú cenu! Ak nebudete vedieť, čo treba spraviť na dokončenie danej úlohy, kliknite na šípku na pravej strane pre zobrazenie väčšieho prehľadu. Keď dokončíte nejakú úlohu, dostanete novú. Nejde to však donekonečna, keď splníte v danom meste všetky úlohy, nové dostanete až v ďalšom meste.


Vezmite prosím na vedomie, že nemusíte splniť úplne všetky úlohy, aby ste prešli do nového mesta. Akonáhle zhromaždíte 8,4 kvadriliónov štvorlístkov, môžete kliknúť na tlačidlo "Pokračovať" a prejsť do nového mesta. Váš postup v rámci Veľkej ceny vám bude zachovaný. Po výbere cien za dokončenie mesta sa celý pokrok v meste vynuluje, čo vám dá šancu začať odznovu s novými úlohami a tým pádom získať ešte viac Veľkých cien.


Toto tlačidlo sa zvýrazní, keď budete mať 8.4Q štvorlístkov​


Keď ste pripravení presunúť sa do ďalšieho mesta, či už kvôli tomu, že ste dokončili všetky mestské úlohy vo vašom aktuálnom meste alebo sa jednoducho chcete presunúť, kliknite na tlačidlo "Pokračovať", ktoré môžete nájsť v ľavom spodnom rohu obrazovky udalosti. Bude aktívne, keď budete mať dostupných 8,4 Q štvorlístkov. Dostanete výzvu na potvrdenie, či si želáte sa presunúť, spolu s možnosťou voľby truhlíc za dokončenie mesta.

Všetky dostupné ceny z truhlíc sú dostupné na ľavej strane obrazovky. Otvorenie prvej truhlice je zadarmo, a ak chcete vyskúšať vaše šťastie a otvoriť ďalšiu, bude to stáť hrnce zlata Stpatrick image currency event.png.

Ak si vyberiete, že otvoríte všetkých 6 truhlíc, získate extra odmenu. Následne dostanete na výber novú súpravu 6 truhlíc, ktoré môžete otvoriť za hrnce zlata, alebo sa môžete presunúť do ďalšieho mesta.


Tabuľka nižšie zobrazuje náklady na otvorenie truhlíc v okne pri dokončení mesta. Náklady na otvorenie truhlíc sa zvyšujú s každou otvorenou truhlicou a s každou novou súpravou 6 truhlíc.

Truhlica Prvá súprava truhlíc Druhá súprava truhlíc Tretia súprava truhlíc
Truhlica č. 1 Zdarma 50Stpatrick image currency event.png 100Stpatrick image currency event.png
Truhlica č. 2 50Stpatrick image currency event.png 100Stpatrick image currency event.png 250Stpatrick image currency event.png
Truhlica č. 3 100Stpatrick image currency event.png 250Stpatrick image currency event.png 500Stpatrick image currency event.png
Truhlica č. 4 250Stpatrick image currency event.png 500Stpatrick image currency event.png 1000Stpatrick image currency event.png
Truhlica č. 5 500Stpatrick image currency event.png 1000Stpatrick image currency event.png 2000Stpatrick image currency event.png
Truhlica č. 6 1000Stpatrick image currency event.png 2000Stpatrick image currency event.png 4000Stpatrick image currency event.png

Svätyňa druidov

Hlavnou cenou pre hernú udalosť Deň sv. Patrika je úplne nová vylepšovateľná budova Svätyňa druidov. Táto nádherná budova (5x4) má 10 úrovní a keď ju vylepšíte na maximum, poskytne vám okrem obyvateľstva, mincí aj posilnenie obrany pre vašu útočnú armádu, náhodné tovary a dodatočnú veľkorysú náhodnú produkciu.

Druid Temple 10.png Na 10 úrovni vám budova poskytne:​
  • Tinypop.png obyvateľstvo
  • Tinycoins.png mince
  • Tinydef.png až do +28% bonus k obrane pre útočnú armádu
  • Tinygoods.png až do +20 náhodných tovarov

More.png +1 náhodná produkcia, ktorá môže byť:

  • Tinyfp.png +25 bodov výskumu (40%)
  • Tinygoods.png +25 tovarov (40%)
  • Tiny Medals.png Medaile (15%)
  • Tinysupplies.png Zásoby (5%)

Podrobnosti o Svätyni druidov a všetky úrovne si môžete pozrieť tuto.

Nové portréty

Počas konania hernej udalosti Deň svätého Patrika môžete zo série úloh udalosti získať dva nové portréty.
